Court date for Michael Barisone?

and the Open Trailer?


After the shooting a friend of mine bought one of his horses and she said there were several of his for sale, called it a fire sale. if you are correct perhaps he didn’t sell all, but if my friend is correct he lost some. Very Sad. He certainly is not riding any of them for now and is not at his Florida farm, so that is a loss as a result of his actions. If he is found innocent he absolutely can go back to rebuilt.


You are correct. I didn’t mean to imply he still has all of the horses he had August 7, 2019; but, he kept the ones he needed/chose to keep and they are safely secured and kept in shape.


That is hilarious!


Can you be done with ALL of us? :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face:


But, Inigo has ignored all my questions



Only the one Prince Humperdinck was astride when he rode out to try to fabricate a Guilderian attack on my true love in a ploy to bring Florin and Guilder to war.

I was once warned that of the classic blunders, the most famous is: never get involved in a land war in Asia. Only slightly less famous is: never take someone at their word if they ride in a blue saddle. And who could forget: No ponies for you if you haul an open trailer.


I wonder how long it takes them to put together an episode. Or maybe they are just doing background work now, and planning to have an episode after the trial?


Open trailers are well and good unless you expect to load a pony into one or need to journey through the Fire Swamp. But Buttercup has no need for trailers – she can ride anywhere in Florin without tiring, and sidesaddle at that!


That’s my assumption, that is from so many hearings, Interviews, etc go into this show, which usually follows the case to the end (ie prosecution)


Is it correct that there is no hearing tomorrow, 10/22?

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That is correct. It is now scheduled for 11/5.


[quote And as lawyers for MB and LK will confirm that arrangement (for LK to leave) was in the works.

Why have those of us who asked follow up questions about this amazing new revelation not received any response? Didn’t @Inigo-montoya say they weren’t really connected to anyone involved (did anyone believe that)? Where’s the proof of this or is it a lie, as she would accuse any if us if we made such a statement.

I am thrilled to learn there was actual legal work in progress to have her tossed out (if this is true
she says she doesn’t lie so we should believe this revelation). This completely negates her insistence they were never asked to Ieave.

The banter many of us have had for two years is precisely the way jurors are going to be discussing while they deliberate. There are too many important questions hanging at this point. There is no way the prosecution can get a conviction on attempted murder at this point in my opinion with the lack of evidence, particularly if a self defense situation is solidly made.


Well, we knew there were “papers” that MB wanted signed and she refused

a whole 911 call over those.


True. But hasn’t she repeatedly insisted they were never asked to leave? She has recently made subtle distinctions by saying “the property owners” never asked her to leave. Unless I’m mistaken, MB was definitely a partner of, what was it, Sweetgrass, and therefore would have been considered an owner.


The statement about plans for them to leave was very nonspecific as to the timing. Wasn’t she going back and forth between NJ and Wellington seasonally, as many people do? In the absence of the shooting, wouldn’t she have had plans to decamp to Florida in mid-September or something?

I thought the statement by IM was a big snooze, frankly.

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And go where with whom? MB wouldn’t have taken her to his facility.

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Why haven’t you received a response? Because you don’t care about the truth or the facts so why bother. If MB shot LK it’s either LK’s fault or the police’s fault?? MB lost his business cause he tried to kill two people. But that’s the fault of the police too??
I make a statement about lawyers trying to work things out and you and your clueless friends immediately say LK must be lying because she has said numerous times she was never asked to leave.
LK was never asked to leave by MB. MB started making bogus 911 phone calls to the police every night. LK therefore consulted an attorney. Her attorney spoke to MB’s attorney. They tried to work things out. That’s what they’re supposed to do.
Is that simple enough? But you don’t give a damn about the truth. You’d rather immediately accuse LK of lying rather than accept what is most logical. Interesting how you think you can dazzle people with Occam’s razor when you have no idea how to apply it.

And then there’s the resident legal eagle Knights Mom. Clearly the closest she’s come to a lawyer must have been cleaning some law office. She rants about how the defense is gonna put on witnesses who hate LK and then MB is gonna say he had the same experience. Really? On what planet is that an argument for self defense. People hate LK and so do I?? LK abused other people and she abused me too?? That’s self defense?? Lots of people hate her so I shot her?? That’s self defense?? KnightsMom is clueless and like you has the least interest in the truth.
You asked why I haven’t responded? That’s why.


One of the many other BNTs in Wellington who would be interested in an ammy with multiple nice horses and lots of money.

Bless your heart. So, as soon as the attorneys hung up from each other, calls were made to SS and CPS.

I know a lot of people who know MB and LK. Never have I heard the words, “despise, loathe, hate, disgust” in relation to MB. A plan to destroy Barisone Dressage was put into play as a sick game. We will all see who is deemed a better person when the trial ends. Who has contributed and lived a good life. Who has been responsible and accountable. Everything will be taken into consideration. You know it and I know it.

Glad you are so close to the parties involved to know such important information.