Court date for Michael Barisone?

Yes. See my previous post on the issue of 48 hours. By participating with them, one is very exposed regarding history etc.



You know I will!


Yes, but with those sizzling fractions at the quarter and the half
 and this horse’s antics in the post parade and at the gate, they will burn out leaving the backstretch, start dropping back and just set the race up for the closers who come from waaaay back once they make the turn for home


That is what they usually do. Often, major players mess themselves up in their on-camera interviews as well. Time will tell.


Or they don’t believe a word she says regardless.


Or refuse someone the opportunity to speak with a superior.


I’m saying Lauren and her family can’t control the narrative of what they will report. As someone else just posted, they will show all the warts of all involved. I do know some of the people contacted by David Dow and I believe, if they cooperate with him, they will be honest and factual in their experience regarding either party.


Err, no.


Then you need to go back and read the previous threads


Exactly, trainer shoots student is compelling.
Trainer shoots student who was harassing, squatting, etc is more compelling


David Dow has stellar journalistic credentials, just as his father did. I have no doubt he will cover every base and present a cohesive narrative. The question is if it will air before or after the trial (my speculation is all interviews before the trial, follow up after, then airing the episode).


Why would I believe a single word LK says when she repeatedly lied in her messages to me as well as lying TO EVERY MEMBER OF THIS FORUM AS FAR AS HAVING SUBPOENAS AGAINST SEVERAL OF US INCLUDING OUR IDENTITIES?

She is a liar and has proven herself a liar. Do I need to post these messages again?

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

Lauren Kanarek is a liar.


Are you asking whether there has been “speculation” that MB had started eviction proceedings by asking her to leave, or whether anyone asserted there was an actual record that he had started eviction proceedings? With regard to speculation, yes, there is plenty of that in earlier threads. However, I haven’t seen anyone assert that there was a record of him formally starting eviction proceedings by giving them 30 days written notice (but I have not been following these threads for the whole 2 years).


Possibly, but that does not mean she has lied about everything.
But I understand why you are upset by what she allegedly did or threaten to do to you.
Can you understand why she would be upset by what is being done to her? And being upset with what she see as lies about her?
It goes so low to even insult her horses
.I say insult me all you want but leave my horses out of it (tongue in cheek).
-Recognize you don’t feel anything you posted should have put you into the group that has been victim shaming-


She has lied about enough to me. And she didn’t “allegedly” do or try to do things to me. SHE DID SEND ME THOSE MESSAGES AND MAKE THOSE STATEMENTS JUST AS SHE DID TO OTHERS.

There is no allegedly there. Proof posted. Again, I can send you the set.

As to what was done to her: I did not shoot her. I did not belittle her horses. I simply posted truthful statements about law, my observations, etc. If someone cannot control themselves on an online forum and feels the need to try and alarm, coerce, intimidate, bully an entire group of people on a forum it doesn’t speak well as to innocence in her other areas of life especially since others like Pal Joey cite the same behavior. When MB’s defense documents cite that very same behavior as well any thinking person would be open to the possibility that perhaps the Defendant DID in fact experience that same behavior.

I’ve posted before explanation as to what victim shaming is and is not. The fact that you refuse to absorb that information is not a failing on my part. It’s due to either you can’t absorb it or are just refusing to because you are biased.

Either way, it’s not my issue to deal with.


No one has insulted her horses!!! She has nice horses but they aren’t Olympic quality horses, which is why MH would not have lusted for them!

I have no doubt MH has an Olympic dream and will probably achieve that dream one day with sponsors. That has nothing to do with LK and her horses in reality! Did she use MB as a stepping stone? I don’t have a clue and don’t care - that relationship is privately between them.


Unpopular opinions:

  1. Crime victims can be ugly, unlikeable people. I think we’ve hashed this, though.
  2. I think it’s okay to look at a person’s actions and say “wow, that was a bad decision” when looking at a sad situation like this. Or “Gosh, maybe it was time to back down.” Or “Ummm, that’s not how a mature person should act here.” Or “That was unwise.”
  3. Whatever you put on the internet, be it social media or otherwise, is pretty much fair game for discussion. In the olden days, people just talked amongst themselves. Now, there’s a paper (data?) trail.
  4. Reading and sharing things that are posted publicly on the internet is not stalking. It’s gossiping. Stalking would be showing up at her house, her barn, her lessons, her hair appointments, etc. That’s stalking. Cyberstalking would be excessive commenting, messaging, emailing, tagging, etc. Harassment would be antagonizing though those channels. Hmmm.

Thanks for the concern. I have handle many kinds of situations, normal and abnormal, including legal, health, personal, financial and yes, even potential dangerous ones, very well in my over 70 years on this earth. I have yet to be arrested or have anyone attempt to murder me.
Don’t attempt to know about me or my abilities to navigate life successfully from a post. Not nice. I wouldn’t do that to you.


@DreadPirateRoberts Do you know anything about Blue Saddles?


I used the world allegedly as I believe you were the one that told me to be careful in my posts. I haven’t seen what she sent so didn’t want to make a judgement call without seeing it. However You don’t need to share with me as I am not involved nor do I want to be. I will agree that she has said nasty things online, I have seen those. I have also seen the replies to her that are right up there with being terrible.