Court date for Michael Barisone?

Since when is there discussion about them leaving being in the works? The story - even on this thread - has been they were never asked to leave.

Evolution of story. Darwin has noted it.


Is that what happened when he went to the PD to speak with higher ups? When do responding cops stop to speak with the antagonizer before speaking to the complaintent?


Thanks for confirming my instincts are correct.


I could see that happening where PD or someone in PD is in some way connected to one of the parties. Remember what I posted about my experience with these types of loose affiliations in the legal world. So it is possible.

We may learn if thatā€™s the case here.


But remember she wasnā€™t there and really doesnā€™t know anything!


If the other nine cops are the equivalent of the two who testified, this should be interesting. Shellhorn can only do so much to prevent them from impeaching themselves.


This is just a guess on my part but the relevance of cop testimony can be to create juror doubt as to the policeā€™s version of the story.

I said this 2 years ago and say it again: the charges of attempted murder are a big mountain to climb. Proving intent may not be easy. Casting doubt as to the validity of witnesses is a common tactic. Guilt must be established beyond a reasonable doubt and credibility or lack thereof is the name of the game. I donā€™t know if they can modify charges but we shall see how NJ handles stuff. If the policeā€™s testimony is questionable and the victims testimony is problematic due to evolving facts and personal history - well thatā€™s how defendants get off.

Case in point: the OJ case. We all know leather riding gloves go to crap and shrink once they are soaked. But if the gloves donā€™t fit you must acquit was OJs get out of jail free card. You NEVER know what bizarro thing or revelation will spin a case in directions unknown.


As nice as it is to be retired in Patagonia, I do sometimes miss the days of polishing Buttercupā€™s saddle.

The only blue saddle Iā€™m aware of, though, is Prince Humperdinckā€™s.


I think the 48hr story regarding victim shaming will come to the same conclusion The NY Times article did and many people here will be disappointed and embarrassed, again. If the reporter is acting sympathetic to what the LK haters are saying, it most likely is in order to get the story
You are smart not to talk to them.
My opinion. Time will tell.


48 hours investigates ALL ASPECTS of the crime and presents points of view of all sides. They will fully investigate all parties including their personal histories and criminal activities. They donā€™t choose a side. They lay it all out there. Every ugly little detail.


I do hope that someone posts something when the 48hours episode is on. It will be interesting to watch no matter what they show.


Just to clarify, I said that someone at the hospital was reported as saying he heard MB say that they were making his life miserable for 6mths . I was surprised to hear that as I had thought also it went bad quickly. Donā€™t know. Maybe reported incorrectly.
And I have no idea if MB went through any legal avenues to solve the problem. I havenā€™t heard anyone say that he did.


Exactly. We donā€™t know what was said. At the time LKs FB page had the parties attending clinics and I believe a LK happy endorsement had been posted too. Let me try to find it.


Promises, promises.


There is lots of ugly to report for sure.


I have seen that, you donā€™t have to unless you want to. From that I agree it went down quickly. Again, donā€™t know for sure, wasnā€™t there.
MB must be a very impatient man, have a wicked temper or just lost his mind. I do not believe that he was attacked before he shot LK. Any ā€œattack on him would have then been in self defense. My opinion.
I also agree, as I read the actual post, that LK wrote about having guns. But she did add they were not in NJ. I get it, there are people here that donā€™t believe anything she says, unless they believe it makes her look bad.


And, in the lead now for the Speculation Stakes, coming around the clubhouse turnā€¦


Fine. I found it though. There were multiple gun posts including ones which did not assert a NC location but rather they were ā€œavailableā€.


Why are you on this witch hunt? You really think 48hr goal is to expose LK for getting into online fights, making nasty posts, having issues with various people that still canā€™t get over it and getting a lot of speeding tickets. They could run a story a day for infinity on people in the US that are like that, of course not many that were allegedly shot by their coach.


I would think their goal is to cover both sides of what seems to be a strange case. That would likely mean including the history of all the major players.