Court date for Michael Barisone?

If only she had simply left when told to leave. She admitted in the recent court filings that there was no lease agreement and she had no rent receipts, but her dad might have some canceled checks for rent. Rent or board I wonder? If she was a “guest” with no legal right to stay, it all could have been avoided if she had simply moved on.


I believe KM is saying he wasn’t part of the suits because he isn’t licensed, which would be easy to verify online.


No, I understood your point. I’m just offering a way to gauge the validity of that particular assertion that was made. I believe it was researched at that time and no evidence of his being licensed in NJ was found - if I remember correctly.


He wasn’t licensed in NJ at the time. He may be now but I don’t feel inclined to look at the moment.


I used to know a lady who worked in the family court as an atty. She said there are few purely innocent victims in these issues: women who won’t leave abusers, put abusers above kids, put security above safety, put the relationship above logical steps.

I think there is a bit of this here. Two people who got under each other’s skin and one couldn’t stop escalating, and one escalated himself into stir.

I honestly save my pure victim approach for children and animals after that.


Have any of you ever watched Fear Thy Neighbor on ID? Binge watch a few episodes and you will see how quickly things escalate and in most cases ends tragically. The behavior is rather shocking.


I need to find this!

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I’d want my own, separate case if I were him. For lots of reasons.


Would adding to hers allow him to share a lawyer or would he need his own lawyer no matter what?
(Not sure how these things work.)

Question for the lawyers……

The civil case is a personal injury type….and asserts loss of wages and loss of enjoyment of life……

Legally, how does this claim work if one doesn’t have an income and goes back to their previously enjoyed hobbies? What is the legal burden here….


They could share, but because they could have different claims, or different ideas about strategy, separate representation might be better. It’s not exactly a class action type case.

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I think a family attorney who thinks that should change her practice to another branch of the law.


You can claim anything you like, but you have to have evidence that you suffered those claimed losses. You don’t just get lost wages without showing (as an example) what you made before the event, and how the event interfered with your continuing to make that.

I think with all the SM available these days, (not specific to this case) there is potentially more record of post event changes and such even without employment records.

None of what I am posting here is about this case,as I only know what is on the forum and various articles on the web. There is a lot more detail to any legal claim than this!

Edited for spelling


Nope, not even a little bit.

Most of the comments in the last threads on here have been questions about where the legal proceedings stand. The amount of posters that could be considered bashing/harassing LK in the last 6 months could probably be counted on the fingers of one hand.

The thing is, as far as I know, none of us are sending her threatening PMs. I’m certainly not. I politely responded to her vitriol once and don’t need to continue to respond to her messages from the middle of the night.

LK is the one digging through old threads that were long since dead and locked, but fell victim to the site change and got unlocked. It may be her legal team asking her to review all the postings and she could not resist the temptation to respond, no matter how ill-advised.

During some of her early rants circa 2019 I asked a couple questions that I do not consider harassing, and even in the post I said to her it was obviously completely up to her whether she wanted to answer. When she didn’t, I did not push back.

Here’s the thing - we only know what LK says happened. I’m willing to bet by the end there was some harassing going on by both sides. And those of us not directly involved will likely never know what both sides are if a plea/settlement is hammered out.

I haven’t said anything about her like this in anything at all in any of the recent threads - not really in any of the threads. Yet I’m getting harassing, threatening PMs from her quoting posts that could not be remotely considered calling her crazy or unstable. The really sad thing is that she “likes” lots of my posts on the threads about the shooting, because I have clearly said all along, there is no way for anyone who was not MB or LK to truly know everything that occurred. In all situations like this there are always three sides - person A, person B, and the truth somewhere in between.

I’m not going to sit quietly by while someone hides behind PMs to harass me - either do it out in the open or don’t do it at all.

Standard Disclaimer - No one deserves to be shot


OMG this is the most vile comment I have seen on COTH in a while. FOR REAL.

I guess I am one of those who was not an innocent victim, because I didn’t leave my abusive boyfriend until after he tried to kill me…but I guess if he succeeded in strangling me with that cord that day I would have deserved it ya know because,

I wasn’t an innocent victim. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Unbelievable the trash these threads bring up.


Threats seem to have always been her standard MO. Obviously it has worked in the past since she has continued her behavior.

The last time she PM’d me I told her to never contact me again via messaging under any circumstances, and she hasn’t.


I love all the sanctimonious turn the other cheek BS coming out now.

Walk on by.


I’m not sure I really understand the question.

The plaintiff must prove damages. If the plaintiff has not been employed then a loss of wage claim will be hard to prove.

If the plaintiff turns out to be less damaged than anticipated then the plaintiff gets a windfall. The opposite is also true. If the plaintiff turns out to be more damaged than anticipated the plaintiff doesn’t get to come back for more damages from the same injury.


I think you answered what I believe the question is. Thank you, as I was wondering the same thing.

I am assuming in this case that the case is more about pain and suffering than loss of wages and loss of enjoyment of life.


That language is boilerplate. It’s just asking for all the kinds of damages that exist in an effort to be comprehensive. At the end of the case only the damages that have been sufficiently proven would be awarded.