Court date for Michael Barisone?

Deleted. Not pertinent to the main topic.

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Not a relative.


No where, unless they have been designated as the decision maker with durable power of attorney paperwork.

I will say, DH had someone successfully claim common law husband against parents once, but they had to get the courts involved to make that happen.


And it has to be in a common law state.

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No kidding. The entire board is much more pleasant place without YD here.


@Equkelly, this is the thread that was in CE. It was moved out here after YD was banned. (That information is also in this thread, I suppose you skipped reading it.)


Yes, I understand she was quite a presence in other threads. I wasn’t involved in any of them, but did follow the German rider/body weight one and she was a piece of work on there.

I was then made aware of what she did to J_Lu on another thread and how she was banned from CE. I would not have known except she made such an almighty spectacle of herself on the Tech Help forum. I made a guess that she’d achieve a COTH first and get a Tech Help thread shut down and lo, and behold, she came through! :rofl:

Now that I know about this going back and cleaning up old posts, it’s just the cherry on top of the whole crap sundae. What a complete phony on top of everything else.

Just yuck. :face_vomiting:


Okay, we’ve already been warned by Mod 1 to stop discussing her


??? I’m referring to threads in CE that were completely unrelated to the MB/ LK saga. My point is there were bigger issues than her posts being annoying and repetitive that have always been overlooked IMO.

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Just curious - what if there are no relatives?

They will take care of the patient until they can make their own decisions. If the patient is unable to do so, a guardian will be appointed by a judge.


Warned to not talk about who and where we’re we warned?

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We were warned not to discuss the posting history of YD.


I don’t recall the warning but I can agree with it since she no longer has access.

Never saw that warning, either.

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Post 130ish of this thread.

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If someone would go to such lengths to get posts edited or deleted on an anonymous bulletin board, what would they do to witnesses IRL?


Ok, that’s a stretch. I also wouldn’t publicly say that.

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Is it that much of a stretch when the court documents in the civil case say basically that is what happened to the one child that was on site?

Eggbutt is not saying anything that is not said (in different words) in that court filing.