Court date for Michael Barisone?

General comment about being on the phone to father or lawyer when shot.

Once and only once, and incidently in the US at a non selective college, I had a toxic, confrontational student come to my office about her well deserved D grade. Her tactic was to yell at me while reporting back to her mother on the phone insulting things about me. “oh now she’s sneering at me,” etc. I handled it by repeatedly saying I would not discuss things with her until she hung up the phone. This was almost 20 years ago, and was a newly possible form of cellphone behavior then.

Toxic people used to shout “I’m calling my lawyer/ the police” all the time when they wanted to pump up the conflict. I can totally see someone today in a conflict of that nature calling their lawyer, parent, or parent who is a lawyer, and then using that phone conversation to up the drama by taklking about the situation in the third person.

I also know that it can be confusing sometimes to end one call and start another if you are rushing or panicking with a cellphone screen. I very often drop calls if I try to answer on horseback or outside in the sun. So I can totally picture someone calling their lawyer or lawyer father to taunt the other party, then dropping the phone and the person on the other end going wtf just happened I heard shots.


But then, that person is a “witness”. Which begs a few other questions……


Perhaps because I have been advised to document what this user responds to me. In case you haven’t been following these threads, I have been “warned” and “threatened” several times by a poster and I chose to get legal advice.

Come to find out, others were being lied to and threatened via messages. As I’ve said before, I will keep the rock off this person’s behavior so others will know her tactics.


As will I.


Ok, then do that.

Your legal advice told you to continue to antagonize this person? I’m confused. Documenting makes sense. Even the screenshots I could mayyyybee see if it’s relevant to somebody here. But tagging her and trying to get her to engage with you about why she edited a post? How’s that good for anyone? I also don’t really see the significance between the two edits but maybe I’m missing something.

The first post was quite overtly insulting and the second is cleaned up a lot.


Everyone always focused on how annoying and repetitive her posts were that I feel like people missed how deeply problematic they were too. Maybe not on these threads but on CE, she had some really ignorant and hateful takes.


I’m not antagonizing this person any more than I am antagonizing you.

I responded to another user’s post saying I had missed reading about RC’s arrest and received a rather off-putting comment. I quoted the comment to save it. This was 6 days ago. The comment was heavily edited today. Why? Who is antagonizing whom?


When we receive an alert on a post, and we select the “agree and delete” option, the system automatically generates a message to the poster that their post was deleted and it urges them to edit it. We recently removed several posts alluding to users’ IDs, one of which was the post noted by @eggbutt, which is likely why several users have recently received notifications of edits.


Thank you for the clarification!


Thanks for the explanation, and all your efforts. I’m sure it must be a challenge and then some.


@Sdel, you’ve left one small thing out. The way HIPAA works (and I hope I got that acronym right) medical caregivers will not tell parents of an adult child anything about the child’s medical issues until and unless there’s a release by that adult child naming who can be given information. Works the other way too. If an elderly parent is hospitalized, the medical professionals won’t give info to the children of that person without express permission. That’s why it’s important to designate in advance who can be notified and kept updated and have that paperwork filed at your doctor’s office, your home and in your kid’s/ parent’s/ spouse’s/ significant people’s hands. I don’t know about police.


Your wrong. My husband notifies families all the time.

Then I apologize. I know we have been unable to get info on elderly relatives and on our adult daughter. Maybe things have changed.


Under the circumstances in which LK came in, she would not be able to make her own medical decisions. As such, the hospital would need someone to be present to make medical decisions she was incapable of making. The order for that would be parents and then siblings. The process of finding parents/siblings to make decisions would have happened as soon as she was brought through the doors of the hospital.


Thank you.

I apologize if I sounded terse the first time. I was trying to get my post out before my phone died.


Unless it was life threatening. No trauma center will wait for permission to treat an emergency.


Just curious. Where does a fiancé land in the order of relatives?

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They don’t wait….but they do still try to find family to take over the decisions ASAP. Most patients requiring such measures are incapable of making decisions for at least a couple of days.

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