Court date for Michael Barisone?

Why is this a flame suit needed kind of post? It makes complete sense - except for the using “likes” of posts as a way to discern how others feel about a topic. Clicking on the little heart is not high on my list of priorities and I often agree wholeheartedly with stuff that I never got around to clicking “like” on… for whatever reason. I am sure that I am not the only poster who tends to do that - or not do it…

I do not think it is a minority opinion that no matter how bizarre and erratic LK’s behavior was, she did not deserve to get shot and did not shoot herself.

But then - that is exactly what that so-called “cutesy” phrase is referring to…


We don’t know what happened. For all we know, he brought the gun to protect himself from the dog which had recently attacked someone, and the dog starts after him, and he goes to shoot it, and she jumps in front of the dog.


I was thinking the same thing. In fact, I sincerely doubt it will go to trial. Its much more likely that they will offer him a plea, and my guess is that they have pulled alot more facts about what really happened and about what LK claimed happened, than we have guessed at, and the plea will reflect that.



All we really know is that LK was shot. At times even the number of gun shot wounds was up for debate.
What happened before that we still do not know.


A friend of mine is a retired Dallas policewoman. We were walking our dogs and she was talking about her career. She mentioned a particular case and I said that the circumstances sounded a lot like a case that I had been reading about. I filled her in on the “facts” of Barisone/Kanerak as best as I could remember. She said that he could very well get off with time served. I was incredulous but she said she had seen it happen before.


Absolutely correct.


On the news this week a tenant was killed by the landlord, probably not with a gun, as I am in Australia.

I am curious what a normal sentence would be if he was convicted. If it was 5 years (I have no idea what it could be-just made a guess) he has already served 2.

At what point would the prosecution decide if it was worth the trial to potentially tack on another couple years to a sentence.

I would think at this point, unless they offered him a plea that would enable him to return to his profession, that he would be better off to take his chances with a trial.


Depends on what charges they can get to stick. Lower gun charges may only be a few years. Assault degrees have varying sentences. It all depends what the D.A. thinks they can get done.


Do I recall that it is a different DA now? Is that likely to make any difference in the case?


I’d like to know about that too. I thought I gleaned something about a different DA now, but dunno


Let’s not be cute. I think we all know what this means.

1 Like

I am not “being cute”. To me, it means exactly what it says… that no one (in this case, LK) deserves to be shot, no matter whatever else was going on at the time (short of someone coming at you to kill you - which was not the case here).

What do you “know” that it means?


@erinmeri I am going to assume that you have not read all the threads on this topic so that you might not understand where that phrase you are jabbing at came from.

In the beginning (not saying it has not continued, just pointing out it has been going on since the beginning), anything anyone said or asked that was not 100% negative against MB was responded to with posts that insisted that statement or question said that you (that poster) were saying that LK deserved to get shot.

So now people are pointing out that they do not think anyone deserves to be shot, not LK, not that drug dealer on the corner, not the kid running a lemonade stand down the street, no one deserves to be shot.
It is not a cute statement, it is a statement of fact so the very next post is not someone saying 'so you are saying that LK deserves to get shot because she was [insert topic the person posted about].

No one in any of these threads thinks LK deserved to get shot, even the biggest MB “fan girl”, even the biggest “LK hater”.

Edit to fix bad typing - because I do not know what a drug dealer would be doing on a counter.


Well, on a countertop, cutting up blow?


Laugh. Yes, could be. That must be what my fingers were thinking as I typed it.


I don’t think any plea deal would allow him to get back to his profession. Wouldn’t SafeSport still ban him for any criminal conviction?

Any felony keeps him on SS for sure.


That didn’t/doesn’t prevent Barney Ward or Paul Vallière from making a good living.


As I’ve mentioned on one of these threads (can’t recall which at this point), SafeSport bans are different from the USEF bans that BW and PV received because they include penalties for USEF members who continue to do business with SafeSport banned individuals. This is the SafeSport aiding and abetting provision.

For example, USEF members can not receive training or instruction from George Morris, even if he never sets foot on a USEF competition. One individual already received a one month suspension for ignoring this provision and hosting a GM clinic at their private farm.

If MB is banned by SafeSport he would only be able to train non-USEF members.