Court date for Michael Barisone?

Insurance companies have their own risk assessments on what things they will cover. It’s always good to read the exclusions in your policies. For instance, many health insurance carriers will not cover your hospital bills if you are drunk and caused your own injuries in an accident.


Being a professional, he should have had some type of professional/personal liability coverage. But again, I highly doubt any insurance carrier is going to insure someone for an intentional act like shooting someone. Maybe if MB could convince the insurance company it was accidental. But the accidental shooting defense is long gone since he hasn’t denied he shot LK.


I am curious about this as well.

The USEF Waiver and Release of Liability is pretty thorough; I wonder what his barn waiver included as far as assumption of risk. Ridiculous I know, but the times we live in…

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Attempted murder burden of proof is hard to prove. That would be a silly thing to charge unless a plea deal is baked in. My bet is a sure thing, assault with a deadly weapon.

That renders the rest of what you said as irrelevant.


A plea deal is pleading guilty to a specific charge. If its assumed he took the gun for self defense - super easy to prove given her posts - then he just faces the punishment for the crime pled to.


Don’t be dense. You continue to insist it was intentional. There is ZERO proof of that.

The circumstances of the incident even using LKs version doesn’t lead to intentional killing.


Show where I am rejoicing about anything.
I do not know LK or anyone else involved in this case. The moderator has already established that months ago. Enough already.

Here’s a question for all the peoples:

Let’s say the question is whether you’ve decided to kill someone at your property you consider to be a huge pain in the ass who is disturbing your life and the lives of others. They’re disturbing your customers so bad that one decides to sleep in front of their horse’s stall to protect that horse.

You’ve spent your life building your business trying to reach the pinnacle of your chosen sport. A sport where your very wealthy clientele must be kept happy and serviced via excellent standards in care for their very expensive horses as well as the clients themselves.

You enter into a deal you shouldn’t have entered into. It turns out to be a mistake in judgment on your part.

Your business begins to suffer. Your clients are terrified enough to sleep in front of their horses stall. Your girlfriend is livid, your once peaceful barn is suddenly turned upside down.

The police are called for certain incidents, they offer no help. Then child services with allegations you can’t believe have been said. You’re now sleeping in the barn. Your home and your business are now a war zone.

Your buildings must be vacated. Maybe it was the work done in the “deal” you should never have entered into. One day it comes crashing down. You decide you need to put an end to this NOW and get what you perceive to be pieces of shit off your property. You want your life back.

Would you grab a gun and go to where the problematic person is to tell them to get the hell out? Would you tell them you’ve been told by the city to vacate the premises NOW. Would you have the gun for self defense against a vicious dog or for protection against a person whose FB pages talk about having and using guns?

Or, would you go there with a gun with the intent to kill her, in the middle of the day after the authorities have been there, after multiple reports of trouble with her, after police documented numerous occasions of trouble and while there are multiple witnesses present ON A DAY YOU KNOW THE AUTHORITIES ARE RETURNING??? Knowing of course that you would be caught, your life over, everything you worked for gone because of HER? Especially since you could have relocated everyone to another location if you had to.

Now which scenario seems more likely to you?

And this is why attempted murder will NEVER stand.

Enough already. We know.

And this scenario assumes he grabbed a gun and brought it there. That very well might not necessarily be the case either. But for demonstration purposes we’ll assume he did.


now, this is the writer in me (and I am horrible in writing mysteries)

What if he did not bring the gun?
He went over there to tell the squatter off, and saw the gun in her hand (oh snap, GF will be in trouble over that!!!) and tries to grab it,
Pure conjecture of course.
Just playing with the bits of info.
Like the victim having had access to the home prior.


Quite plausible.


You and others have referenced the movie MCV before. Does the movie A Time to Kill have any realism to it?
I thought Matthew Mcconaughey and Samuel L Jackson were excellent in their roles. I was a bit disappointed that Tom Kirkman (Designated Survivor-Keifer Sutherland) tried to hurt America’s sweetheart Sandra Bullock in the movie :grin:

I’m sorry I’ve never seen the movie.

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The gun laws in the Northeast are quite strict. I remember when the football player Plaxico Burress spent 20 months in prison for accidentally shooting himself in the leg with his unregistered gun, while in a night club in New York.

That is the most likely charge to stick IF he admits to possessing it. Add to that an assault charge that doesn’t include intent to harm.

Criminal cases are weird. They can spin either way.


It is a good movie-just don’t know how realistic it is.

If they charge him with that only, he’d probably get off with time served. He’s been incarcerated for 2 years hasn’t he?

Possibly. Don’t know how NJ sets their gun times. I think a huge part is determining if the shots were accidental like in a scuffle or as a result of spontaneous firing like if he had the gun and she charged him, self defense whatever.


I have seen one statement by LK that makes me think that the idea that he brought the gun is questionable. Add that to the fact that we know she was skulking about in their private rooms (which had to have occurred prior to the escalation period) in order to place hidden audio recorders. It would not be surprising to me to hear that she took the gun from RC’s room while installing recorders. Also, we have a report of her posting a picture of a pink gun on FB. Not having seen the picture or knowing the FB timeline….could she have posted a pic of RC’s gun instead of her own?


Guess that might not stand if her fingerprints were not on the gun. I don’t know but I would think the police that charged him would.


I did not personally see her post a pink gun. I did see her post about having guns.

When I stated this last time it led to her tirade of threats against me which seems weird in and of itself.

Speculation. That’s all we can do.