Court date for Michael Barisone?

All depends what other evidence there is. Was he under the influence of any substances, was he so angry he wasn’t thinking straight, or maybe mentally unbalanced due to childhood trauma. People shoot other people all the time in a fit of anger or just because they are crazy, in all times of the day, even in front of witnesses and the charges stick.
I wonder why he headed down there with a loaded gun at all when he felt she and her dog were dangerous and there were weapons. Most people would not do that, maybe call or send a text instead. He did say at one point on a call to 911 something about “this is war.” Seem he came loaded to battle. He is lucky they lived and he was not shot.

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We don’t know if he headed down there with a gun. My guess he headed down there to tell them enough is enough, the city wants you out, I want you out, you’re ordered to get out so get out.

And I’ve said the statement “this is war” multiple times in my life without it equating to intent to kill.


Because prior to and since the incident LK has proved through her words and actions that she a reasoned individual that would just quietly pack up and leave that day if she got a text message. And according to many accounts, the police were ever so helpful every time they were called prior to that day.

I’m not dismissing your comments about what his state of mind might have been, but LK is not a reasonable person. I saw much of her social media postings prior to the sanitization/lockdown of her accounts and am one of the victims of her threats.


Projection much? But I recall the reference on FB being about having access to guns and the references on COTH after the fact that hers were the wrong make and in another state. I wouldn’t call LK stating she had guns in another state as being all that threatening (so she wouldn’t make her online statements that clear).

However, MB might very well have known RC had a gun on the farm, and by that time might have known LK was going through their rooms. The idea that LK might know/have a way to access RC’s on site gun would have the effect of terror on MB she was seeking and would explain why they were in fear for their life.

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I wouldn’t have mentioned her posts if they had been clear they were 1000 miles away. No her posts spoke of guns and of them being available. And as I stated many times screenshots are our friends. Those include other people seeing those same posts and posting that. I’ve shared a bunch of those with others on this forum.


Again, I would not consider 1,000 miles away as “available”. You also have to understand…this type of person is good at making their threats and reactions seem “innocent” to those outside of the situation and making the target seem like the crazy, out of control unreasonable one.

Before we shipped him off, my stepson had his mother locking the knives up in her room (and making sure he couldn’t break in while she slept) and I promise you, he never said or did anything that would set off alarm bells to an outsider.


I don’t consider guns 1000 miles away as available either. THAT’S MY POINT. She implied or stated they were available just as she stated she didn’t know what her 8 personalities were going to do.


Haha…I see what you mean now. I totally read that that wrong “ I wouldn’t have mentioned her posts if they hadn’t been clear they were 1000 miles away.” I need to go to bed early tonight. My brain is totally scrambled from dog emergency this morning (had to amputate a dewclaw).


[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:1814, topic:761824”]And I’ve said the statement “this is war” multiple times in my life without it equating to intent to kill.

I would guess that the difference here is that your proclamation that “this is war” didn’t end with someone in your presence being shot twice in the chest at point blank range, another person being shot at, and you being hauled off to jail for attempted murder?

Maybe not really worth even mentioning, don’t you think?

This is a question for the legal peeps. What is the normal procedure for cops to collect GSR? My legal peep friend said it needs to be collected at the scene and before transporting as cop car seats have all kinds of GSR in them. She said that police can inadvertently transfer it too.

Do the cops test everybody to rule our people and what do they do when a person is severely injured as I would hope measures are being taken save their life first.
I would think in a scuffle that would spread it around too.

According to my friend, GSR is not a sure way to determine who fired a gun. Any thoughts?


I would guess that the difference here is that your proclamation that “this is war” didn’t end with someone in your presence being shot twice in the chest at point blank range, another person being shot at, and you being hauled off to jail for attempted murder?

Maybe not really worth even mentioning, don’t you think?

As always I disagree with your statement. It is most definitely worth mention including for context. In a previous post the statement was being used to indicate guilt. I countered saying that it does not at all indicate guilt.

So, you’re wrong.


Musings on a Saturday evening…This is an interesting twist and only adds to the drama. In addition to wanting to destroy Barisone, one motive for all the shenigans was to get money from him. Again, we only have RG’s statement of events (such a trustworthy soul) that the police took and ran with. Now, I am not saying the shooting was part of the plan and she or RG shot her, but who knows? I doubt she would have shot herself in the expensive implants, so the scuffle scenario makes much more sense.

Perhaps there will be a surprise video introduced by “someone” or the person on the phone with LK when it all went down will be compelled to testify.


I don’t know the answer as I have no forensic experience. A medical examiner or some other forensic expert would determine the possibilities.

As for procedural testing by the cops I can only hope they did their due diligence. MBs case vs the police however seems to indicate the possibility that they did not.


LOL that’s quite ok. I hope the dog is doing well now. The word amputate gives me the shivers.


I hope your dog is ok. Any injury or illness to a pet is gut wrenching to go through. I have an elderly dog who is at a hospice state and she has now trained me to get up in the middle of the night to cook her eggs. The things we do for our pets.


I was the one who pointed out the difference in context, noting that there was really no comparison, unless your personal example also ended with two people being shot and you being jailed for attempted murder. But if you are so insecure that you need to feel right all the time, or so obtuse that you aren’t capable of comprehending when you’re wrong, I’ll give you the win. You’re certainly in good company here.


I couldn’t have explained it any clearer for you. At this point I have determined that no matter what, you will choose not to get it.

Your loss.


This is an article my friend recommended about GSR.

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Maybe you’re both insecure AND obtuse lol.


You are free to think however you wish.

As am I.

But my opinions on EVERYTHING including every single thing I’ve told you, remains intact.


Have a nice day. :grinning: