Court date for Michael Barisone?

Why, yes. Yes, indeed.


Th Chronicle of the Horse Forums are a strange and wondrous place.


Well itā€™s pizza night.


I wonder where JumpingQueen has gone? Odd that she/he hasnā€™t popped up again to join the ā€œyah, weā€™re betterā€ party ā€¦ :wink:


I donā€™t see anyone ā€œworking themselves into quite a latherā€ or any ā€œdrama llamasā€ :rofl:

Ah, the things some posters tell themselves to make themselves feel good. Itā€™s like, you want people to be worked up because the attention and rise out of people makes you feel accomplished? Idk. This thread is a weird place, tbh.

I actually think many people (myself included, but interest is dwindling) are interested in the actual facts :woman_shrugging:

However, in the meantime some people do like to go around in circles, reintroduce old ā€œevidenceā€ and arguments, make up various things, or come in here on their high horse and declare everyone else as peasants. I mean, LOL look at all those fan girls and their echo chamber.

Still havenā€™t really seen any MB fan girls though. Iā€™ve seen some people attempt to understand why he shot at people/shot a person, because itā€™s so utterly crazy, all of it.

Iā€™ve repeated this a few times, but Iā€™m no fan of anyone involved since I donā€™t know them, or want to know them, really. It seems as though their was bat sh*t on both sides.

Also, no one can argue with me or not like what I have to say because itā€™s my opinion and this is a discussion, so there!

Edit: actually, I have no idea what Iā€™m doing here either :joy: a time waster I guess.


Iā€™m sure she is very busy on the Super Duper Secret Facebook page of The Locals Who Are In The Know!!! The page that must not be known to others! And you must have the Super Duper Secret Decoder Ring to become a member!

My personal opinion is it is probably the Next Door page local to Long Valley! (Only being facetious!)

But my bet is, just like Beetlejuice, if you say her name three times, sheā€™ll be right here!



I am not exactly sure what your point it.
I think there is a little onesided tilt against the alleged victim, but mostly because she has left a wake of, shall we say unsavory behavior in this community.
Precious few have ever met Barisone.

what I see is a lot of sexism.
reverse, if you will.
Nothing new, but being the 21st century we should be moving past the notion that a big strong man cannot be the victim of abuse and harassment.
I think that is the premise of this case, and his claims against the township and PD>

Not knowing either player in this Greek Tragedy I am just unable to turn away from this trainwreck.
I wish the original L&O was still on, because this case is tailor made for TV.
Alas, I do not expect any plot twists at high noon. AS fishy as the perceived facts look to us, I am assuming his goose is cooked.
Because this is not TV for one, and of course the prevailing attitude that a big man simply has to be the aggressor. Even if the victim has proven otherwise.

And there is that the man has been locked up and probably not gotten a breath of fresh air in 2 years. (you do that to a pet, they put you in jail!) and lord knows, getting the COVID shot early (if he did) was the only highlight of the last 2 years.

Sure, some have saddled the Drama LLama.
But not for the 100 miler you made it out to be. The emotions - as far as I can tell - are low key.
And the ones that are involved are not MB fangirls.

Saying that there are no winners here is quite false though.
Seems the one who instigated the whole thing got her wish.
MB and his spouse/partner/GF are pretty much ruined.
The kids are collateral damage. not that anybody gave an actual fig about them.


@BrendaJane I like your post all except the last line. I think that MB did care about the kids and that was part of the problem that caused this thing to boil over so much. Sure, make my life miserable but when you drag the kids into it, that is going too far.

All the standard disclaimers - NODTBS, I have never met MB and I did not know who he was before this case. I have never met LK and did not know she existed before this case


I believe the JQ FB group is a private group in NC relating to two sisters who were working students of Barisone. They left months before the shooting and were close to LK. This is simply speculation on my part, but the posts fit that theory.


These two twelve year oldsā€¦
Are they who The boyfriend threatened? Who the police questioned?


Everyone always leaves RG out of this situation. He is her willing intimidator and participant in her schemes. So, it wasnā€™t simply an innocent little weak female involved. Recall much earlier in all these threads LK insisted RG was a highly trained US Marine. Others have said he did not finish basic training but I honestly have no idea. Suffice to say he was large and strong enough to overpower a taller, but older, Barisone and hold him down.




YankeeDuchess :rofl:


Why does everyone have to be labelled as a ā€œfan girlā€ for one side or the other? Most people here clearly believe that (a) you should not go around shooting people and (b) you should not conduct yourself like a teenage drama Queen on steroids, bullying, cyberstalking, and terrorizing other people. It is quite possible to believe both things at the same time.


Sssshhhh now. No common sense allowed in this thread.

Agreed. We share a brain. The bat guano is very thick everywhere. It is a somewhat interesting cluster to try and follow along withā€¦ with occasional OTT segues into rages and rants and threats. And some truly bizarre conspiracy theories and motives get presented, dissected and disputed. LK has not posted recently - or sent anyone PMs, it appears - so perhaps she is taking advice from someone and realizing that those rages and rants were not helping her (as many of us have said for a very long time). That is a good thing.


Point taken.
It was a sarcastic remark for sure.
The brush was a little too broad.
However the childrenā€™s lives have been greatly impacted by the malicious intend of one actor n this drama. The other wisely makes use of the right to remain silent.


Didnā€™t someone post a while back that MBā€™s partner/GF has gone on with her life just fine, and recently got engaged to somebody new?

I donā€™t know anything about the situation with her kids, but I hope their life was not ruined. Probably shaken up quite a bit for a little while, but I hope they are on a smoother path now.


I believe so, I said sort of the same thing and someone corrected me saying she is engaged to someone else and having a lovely life. Very glad to hear.


Just because people have moved on doesnā€™t mean they werenā€™t traumatised.


:laughing: Thank you making me laugh out loud!

Iā€™ve been a COTH member for 21 yearsā€”as one of COTHā€™s original members, transferring from the old USCTA discussion forum. Looks like I joined a month before you, MHM.

In all that time, Iā€™ve never had an alter, or needed one. If people canā€™t post something via their regular usernames, then they probably should reconsider whether to post at all.

Timing-wise, Iā€™ve been at a horse show since Wednesday, so Iā€™m on COTH at night. I do not live on the forum like some , fortunately, so my posting fits around my work life and horse life.

I canā€™t believe that so much energy is being expended in replying to a handful of posters who are merely sharing their own thoughts. To the point that you are now creating conspiracy theories about us. :woman_facepalming:

And you wonder why I have some concerns about the conclusions being drawn. On this thread and others. :woman_shrugging: It appears that you (group) are more concerned with creating drama than discussing the topic at hand.