Welp, I’m actually positive for Covid so no longer a mystery. This is day 7 for full blown symptoms. I took Mucinex this AM and was thinking I was on the upswing since I didn’t feel feverish and temp was 99.2. Fast forward to this afternoon when I finally consulted the family doc. He wasn’t sure how to proceed but due to history of pneumonia after influenza infection decided to prescribe antibiotics. He was puzzled over the fever which has been present for 7+ days. It’s sweet spot has been 101.4 but I’ve been taking either Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If I feel really bad I have to load up on 800mg of ibuprofen to bring it down.
Anyway, within 2 hours after talking with him my temp rapidly climbed to 103.5. Finally got back home to take 800mg ibuprofen and temp is still bumping above 102 an hour later.
I did pick up some electrolyte fluids because I’m most definitely dehydrated but what is going on with the persistent fever? I’m heading into day 8 with a worsening fever. O2 sat is actually decent bouncing between 95 & 97%. Anyone else dealt with this?