Covid fever question

Welp, I’m actually positive for Covid so no longer a mystery. This is day 7 for full blown symptoms. I took Mucinex this AM and was thinking I was on the upswing since I didn’t feel feverish and temp was 99.2. Fast forward to this afternoon when I finally consulted the family doc. He wasn’t sure how to proceed but due to history of pneumonia after influenza infection decided to prescribe antibiotics. He was puzzled over the fever which has been present for 7+ days. It’s sweet spot has been 101.4 but I’ve been taking either Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If I feel really bad I have to load up on 800mg of ibuprofen to bring it down.

Anyway, within 2 hours after talking with him my temp rapidly climbed to 103.5. Finally got back home to take 800mg ibuprofen and temp is still bumping above 102 an hour later.

I did pick up some electrolyte fluids because I’m most definitely dehydrated but what is going on with the persistent fever? I’m heading into day 8 with a worsening fever. O2 sat is actually decent bouncing between 95 & 97%. Anyone else dealt with this?

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Nothing useful to tell you except I’m sorry you’re so sick!


Can you take plaxlovid or molnuprivair? You might be too far into it to start. My dad had it REALLY bad over the month of December and paxlovid helped tremendously for him, he said it was worth it even with the rebound effect he got. I got put on molnuprivair when I had a mild case (I’ve got autoimmune conditions so we were extra cautious) and it definitely helped as well.

I don’t understand the antibiotics script though, they treat bacterial infections not viruses and are not a treatment for covid. It’s also a red flag to me that he was puzzled by the fever, that is one of the earliest symptoms for covid still and its completely normal to have a low grade fever for days.


They will occasionally prescribe antibiotics if they think you may have a secondary bacterial infection causing pneumonia which sometimes happens.
OP, hope the medicine helps and you feel better soon, sending Jingles.


Ahhh got it!

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Because of my history, I was uneasy about pneumonia and I think it’s a good thing that I’ve got them on board. Lots of chest congestion this AM and coughing up junk. O2 sat sitting at 95 so that’s ok. Fever gone for now. Don’t know if that’s from nsaids or antibiotics.

Thanks for the encouragement!


Sending more Jingles. I can understand why you’d be uneasy with your history. I had covid over New Years and was concerned because I also have a history of pneumonia. I ended up ok but it wasn’t fun to sit around waiting for pneumonia to happen. The temp thing was awful, it would break and I’d think things were improving, then it would hit again.

Covid medications have to be taken within the first 5 days, is what they told me the first of December 23, when I finally caught it.
Was lucky, no fever, not sick, a sore throat one morning, fine by noon, that afternoon a big time leaky faucet nose that lasted 36 hours and a little tired on and off for a few days.
Drs said no medication unless I was becoming sicker, didn’t, so didn’t take anything.

Tested first evening hot, fifth day still positive, three days later still positive, three more clean, two more still clean.
For a total of 14 days I isolate myself completely before going out in public again.
I have all kinds of vaccines and boosters on board and think it helped.

Our farrier, two years later, is still not quite well, he has long covid, almost died when it started, organs were shutting down, spend scary time in the hospital.
Don’t let it get you down, get help quickly if you get worse.

I hope those sick now get better soon, take care.


I’m sorry you are so sick, OP. I do not know your situation but if you live alone, definitely get yourself into the ER sooner than later if you do not improve in the next 24 hours. Chest X-rays should likely be done and any medications that can be prescribed at this point can be considered. Steroids may be helpful. Keep up the Tylenol and antibiotics, rest and all you’ve been doing. I hope you are feeling better very soon!!

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Fevers, in most mammals, unless they’re driven by a raging bacteria, drop in the morning. I think when you last posted an update it was morning-ish.

You’re smart to mitigate dehydration.

How’re you doing now?

No advice, just massive Jingles for continuing & fast recovery!

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Sending hugs and jingles, and wishes for a quick recovery.

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Fever can be a sign of immune response. Mine fiddle farted arount 101 fir about 5 days, spiked slightly over 102 then broke. Every day was a new symptom except eye pain which was enough to drive me to a video visit with a doc. I opted out on antiviral since I am not higher risk and hate what I hear about the rebound. Took 2 weeks to have neg test but symptoms abated after that 102 day

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