Crappy 4-beat canter: How much can you improve it?

Conjure used to 4-beat when I first got him. He didn’t know anything much and as I understand had just carried a teenager around on trails before I met him.

And when I first got him, I couldn’t really ride a canter - so it worked out ok.:lol: He’d four-beat, I’d two-point, and away we went!:smiley:

My trainer got him out of it, with, as said above, lots of work to get him off the forehand and get him carrying himself. As I remember, lots of walking, then trotting, then lots of trot to halt transitions. And she put him in a waterford so he’d quit leaning on the bit.

Once he was carrying himself better, she started doing little bits of canter work interspersed with the other stuff, and gradually building him up.

He has a cute little canter now, and has never reverted to the four beat. :slight_smile: