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Cream/champagne/ivory breeches

Building off of your post, Fibonacci (love the name by the way!):

Also, check out Ruespari - they have a lovely cream-colored belt to go with your ensemble!

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Y’all are going to look stunning coming down centerline. Very tasteful and yet not matchy-matchup.


FITS now offers champagne breeches!


oHHH! let me go look!

What size do you need? I have a pair of German Strobel beige breeches that lean towards a subtle champagne hue. Not sure what size they are - no size tag that I can find - but I usually wear a 26R. I can get measurements and send pics for anyone who’s interested.

What size are you? I no longer show, and I showed in navy and cream.

oh I am not anywhere near a 26… thx. CLoser to 32

You’re welcome! I hope you find some breeches that work for you!