I’m planning on a cross country trip from Missouri to Oregon. I want to make sure and get any permits I should have and also inform the local authorities of what I’ll be doing. Any advice? Any groups you would recommend I reach out to?
I’m planning on a cross country trip from Missouri to Oregon. I want to make sure and get any permits I should have and also inform the local authorities of what I’ll be doing. Any advice? Any groups you would recommend I reach out to?
Check out the Long Riders’ Guild, they can probably help you out.
I rode a portion of the Oregon trail in Wyoming in '94 and it was really neat to see wagon ruts, cabins, grave markers, etc that are still there. We rode the portion that crosses through Atlantic City, the monument to the Morman’s crossing they did with hand carts, (can’t remember the name), and ended at South Pass. We rode ontop of Oregon Butte as well - so much rich history.
[QUOTE=Heart’s Journey;7756196]
I rode a portion of the Oregon trail in Wyoming in '94 and it was really neat to see wagon ruts, cabins, grave markers, etc that are still there. We rode the portion that crosses through Atlantic City, the monument to the Morman’s crossing they did with hand carts, (can’t remember the name), and ended at South Pass. We rode ontop of Oregon Butte as well - so much rich history.[/QUOTE]
Oh that sounds so cool. How neat to see that, and what better way than on horseback.