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Cross entering Hunter classes?

At an “A” show can a kid show Short Stirrup with one horse and 2’6" with another? Or 2’3" if offered?

Most of the time, Short Stirrup is Short Stirrup only.

Short Stirrup is an unrated division therefore you need to check the horse show organization rules and prize list for their division perimeters. Seems to really vary.

Here is one example where it would be within the rules to do Short Stirrup and 2’6” Hunters.


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Check your show’s restrictions in the prize list, but yes, that would be doable here at our shows, like those sanctioned by our local association. USEF is a bit different of course.

I know she can’t at a certain local show but trying to find out as it doesn’t say on the prize list (I will look again). For the Houston area “A” show.