cross post - DIY western brim helmet that looks good !

This is pretty smart and easy to do. I am going to make one. This would be perfect for trail riding, better than a helmet visor as it shades the back of your neck.

That is a GREAT idea!~Thanks for sharing!

Wow, with summer approaching I need one! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Very cool, thank you for sharing!

I had to look up this old thread for the link, but thought I would bump it up with the start of summer.

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Really great idea! Thanx for the bump! – I wouldn’t have seen this otherwise.

This is a great video plan for making a sun-shielding hat brim. I’ve seen a lot of ladies who have made these blingy with conchos, Swarovski crystals, colors etc. and guys who have made them dude-ish with leather. I live in Texas so the pressure against helmets is pretty considerable. These brims make a lot of sense and make helmets more palatable.

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Thanks for sharing! They look super good if your helmet matches the brim! I loved the black one with the bow and the black one with the feathers in front.

I have several friends who have made the hell hats. The skies the limit on color and design.

Here is the Helli-Hat originator’s Facebook page: You have to join the group to post, but hopefully can read it without joining.