Cross-post: No videos for purchase of para riders

I just heard that they are not shooting video of the para-riders to purchase. Excuse me?? I was actually looking forward to it as I am not there for para and know some of the team members. I know I can watch on the USEF network, but am interested in the opportunity to purchase video. This strikes me as the most blatant discrimination. Anyone know more about what is going on? Can anyone who is still at KHP go bang on the trailer door of the video folks over in the Walnut Grove by the main arena and find out what/why?

They will be showing some recaps from the para events next Sunday on NBC… not sure about the live feeds though?

The FEITV schedule indicates you can watch some of the para stuff as video on demand, but I don’t think NBC is showing any para. Their lineup for next Sunday indicates they’ll show vaulting, show jumping and closing ceremonies stuff. I’m bummed, too.

Right, bummed about that also. But was bemoaning that they are not shooting video to turn into DVDs to be able to purchase for each rider like you can for eventing, regular dressage, etc.