Crosspost from Off Topic: Byrd Rareshide’s Retirement

I once got a “Karen’s reception” for complaining about a group implying they had 501c3 status (and actually saying as much in social media profiles which they started quietly removing after I got loud about it).

I was told “nobody cares about that” by a member of the media swooning a bit over this group. I was pretty annoyed because I consider 501 status as a mark of trust for donors and sponsors and it’s pretty sh***y disrespectful of the organizations that actually do the work to get it and the proper maintenance thereafter.

– I too had always thought there was a lot of administrative stuff involved so it’s not necessarily that easy (and the particular group in my anecdote would have difficulty filling out a mailing label).


My impression from the other thread is that she explicitly states this as her plan and a completely acceptable feeding strategy.

Perhaps the conditions this year led to fewer horses managing to tolerate the lack of calories and now the jig is up.

Yet her own horses aren’t on this plan. :expressionless:


The new Mercedes and metal pipe fencing ( very expensive) … that’s where all the money went. It sure did not go to feed any of the horses she was being paid to feed.


I didn’t make that post. My account was compromised by a hidden secondary log-in and I have since changed the password.


Oh wow, that is scary. Have you told the mods about it?

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Yes, I notified them after I reset my password. I didn’t bother to replace it with something strong after I had done a password reset a while back, before the forum migrated to new software, but it’s possible that the forum passwords had been harvested and put online.

We have had a few instances in the past few years of users that were logged in under the wrong account. I will notify the developers immediately. Thank you @LexInVA.

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I made that post. It should have shown up as Supernatural. How in the world in showed up under your name I have NO clue.


That article, in my opinion, does not make this barn owner look like they know anything about horse care, which I think is not how they feel they come off.

So glad it finally made it into the paper somewhere.


Wow… Kitchie is defending this??? Yikes.

Good job, @Railbird and @2baybays!

That article was excellent. Well-written, factual, presented both sides of the story, no hyberbole.


It says “she even fed grain”. What a hero -dripping sarcasm. This woman makes me sick… I hope someone can press charges and she goes to jail.


Yes, like that’s something extraordinary!

Except I would bet my entire lifetime of horsemanship most of those horses didn’t see grain OR hay. When you look at the change in body score over 4 months, it’s clear those horses were not taking in any calories, and we only getting the slightest amount of nutrition from winter pasture.

They just don’t drop weight that fast if they’re getting hay and grain, without another underlying metabolic condition.


Even if we played along and we pretended that these horses were losing condition because they are retired and not worked and the grain and hay she fed was not keeping them at weight (not that I believe she fed them grain and hay or that their skeletal appearance is just loss of conditioning, but we are playing along here)…

Why would a boarding barn owner not involve the owner and the vet to determine why Dobbin (plus all of Dobbin’s friends clearly) is failing to thrive?

If the current board price is not enough to properly provide what Dobbin and friends need to keep weight, then raise the board prices.

If your boarding system will not work for Dobbin and friends, then ask the owners to find a new boarding situation.
Don’t let the horses become skeletons in the pasture.


“[Byrd Rareshide] said she lets them get thinner in the winter because overfeeding horses in the colder months can be unhealthy, and can lead to a deadly blood-related condition that can occurs when a horse overeats.”

Anybody care to discuss this theory?


It certainly seems she’s giving plenty of ammunition to anyone who wants to go after her legally.


Yes, it proves that her management was deliberate.


I imagine it might be easy to prove she wasn’t feeding them by looking at her feed bills.