Here’s a little bit with a name attached on Equibase:…2009597&rbt=TB
Jesus J. Enriquez is a trainer and has two horses running at Los Alamitos in 2019, Lilac Street and Snow Kitty.
Tiz Bling’s dam, Tizzy’s Jewel, was sold at the Barrett’s Equine auction in January 2010. She was consigned by Applebite Farms and sold to Jeff Stiefel. She was in foal to Jet West. That year, Applebite Farms, Inc. was closing and that January sale was a dispersal of their stock:
So Tizzy’s Jewel was bred when she was owned by Applebite and they sold her in foal to Jeff Stiefel who may be part of the Crystal Valley Farms team, or he may have sold her to Jesus J. Enriquez or some other member of the Crystal Valley Farms team. (The owner of the mare at the time she foals is listed as the foal’s breeder.) In any case there are three names you can go with:
Joan Rogers of the now defunct Applebite Farms,
Jesus J. Enriquez linked on Equibase with Crystal Valley Farms, Inc.,
Jeff Stiefel, buyer of Tizzy’s Jewel when she was pregnant with your mare.