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Curious about your experiences!

I’m curious of what your working student positions were at bigger barns? What did you do? Did you show? How much did you ride? Was it paid? How’d they treat you? Would you recommend it? Where did you do it? Etc. I’m looking into my own at a bigger barn and I’m wondering about how other people took it!

Where are you looking for this position?

100% search for working student on coth and you can read a lot a lot of threads and posts on the subject

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Gosh…I think it can vary a lot. I was never a WS, but have young friends who have done it. One had the worked-to-death experience and the other had a very cushy experience that I would hesitate to classify as a true WS. Probably best to talk to someone who had that position with the specific barn/trainer(s) you are interested in.

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Right now a preferably jumping ws in Ohio or Lexington Kentucky.

I would recommend Linda Radigan (River Bend Jumpers) in Vermillion.OH. She shows at WEC, KHP and Ocala.

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I actually had a lesson/clinic with her yesterday and did another one a few weeks ago! She’s very nice and I’m thinking of asking her about one! She actually told my Nana to tell me to get one closer to home. Did you work for her or ride with her?

I live in GA, but I have trained with her at shows in KY and FL. I like her very much!

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