Several questions about flying horses from IRE to NA: Is it cheaper to fly them into Canada and if so where do they land and what is the approximate savings? Can you get much of a discount for putting three on a pallet? Does Fed Ex still fly horses form overseas? THANKS
To err on the side of caution, you may want to contact a horse flight company to have them provide an up to date quote. Costing has been all over the place since the pandemic.
Try googling Horse Flight or Dutta Corp to see what they can offer. I believe both typically fly into New York, Chicago, Miami and maybe Los Angeles, though I’m not sure on what the price difference would be.
There is a company (can’t remember which one off the top of my head) you can fly horses from Dublin to Chicago which cuts out the transport over to Amsterdam. I have a mare in Ireland I intend to import later this year. She has to quarantine in KY and then I’ll have to ship her out to SoCal, but this is likely the route I’ll go. We have had mares in the UCDavis quarantine facility in years past and very unimpressed. Came out very thin.
I looked into all the costing a month or two ago and no matter how you slice it you are looking at 12-15ish for a gelding and 17-20ish for a mare for me to get her to SoCal. Which is why mine is still happily eating grass in the luscious green fields of Ireland while I get on board with paying that much!