Somewhat ironically, I was opening up the site earlier this week with the intent to reopen this forum when I discovered the site wasn’t here!
Now that we’re up and running again, we’re going to give Current Events a try again.
PLEASE, be civil to each other. No foul language. No personal insults, even if you think the shoe fits. This includes calling other users, or stereotyping members of political group they belong to as, trolls, racists, snowflakes, etc.
Please remember that this is a horse forum. This is not a professional political forum moderation staff. We’re just over here doing our best to give you a place to discuss different sides of an issue, and it’s kinda crappy to be accused of being this or that when we’re genuinely just trying to provide a place for people to discuss issues that matter.
As with any topic, we really try to keep any personal feelings we have on an issue out of the decision-making process. I’m confident we’ll make bad decisions along the way…or maybe non-decisions, as in general, we try to keep as hands-off an approach as we can and let you guys create the over-riding environment here.
Have at it!