Curvy back saddle fitting on a budget - success!

Updating: I have an Albion SLK Ultima on the way. Let the Princess & the Pea games begin.


Another vote for an older Passier. A decent saddle fitter can make the cantle more upswept; this was done to my new-to-me circa 198? Baum dressage saddle for my very short backed pony. The saddle was from ebay for $300+, and the customizing plus the saddle brought me to about $1500.

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Updating again: I have a saddle fitter coming next week for the Albion SLK. It took forever for us to find an appointment time that worked. Iā€™ve only ridden in it twice because the off side billets are in such bad shape that I feel like they may snap any second (fitter can replace those). But my mare feels really, really good in it the little bit I have rode in it. Her canter was better than ever. And I feel comfortable enough. I hope the fitter agrees.

Because I have poor impulse control, I scooped up an older Kent & Masters jump saddle. So much for not buying two saddles! Iā€™m super curious to try it out when it arrives. Maybe it will arrive before next week and I can tack it on to the fitter appointment (doubtful).


Please donā€™t ride her bareback. *or bareback pad or even one of those flextree saddles. It will compress her discs faster than anything else you can do and hasten her decline.

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This is an old thread I bumped up. Iā€™ve picked up both a new dressage saddle and jump saddle for her since. But no worries of riding her in exclusively a pad. I do hop on her bareback for variety from time to time, but sheā€™s never been a horse I ride bareback often as she can have a wicked spook and I donā€™t bounce anymore.


:innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hopefully the conclusion to this thread (10 months later):

Yesterday I had a master saddler out and got a ā€œthumbs upā€ for both of the new-to-me saddles. We were able to tweak the fit with a shim pad.

I want to thank everyone for the suggestions! I was able to snag not one but two quality saddles that work with my horseā€™s conformation at very affordable prices within my budget. And because of the knowledge you armed me with, it seems like I got it right on the first shot.