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CWD saddle coming apart question HELP

Hello, I bought a used CWD almost 10 months ago. This is what is happening. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0c7zsqZeuLgm_a07IE4DzgaTg
I’m looking at options. Sadly the nearest CWD rep just went to work for someone else so there’s no one available. Anybody think that a western saddle repairer or a shoe and boot repairer can fix this? It appears to just be a loose screw. Thanks for any advise.

I think your safest bet is to find any saddle fitter, they should be able to do it. It doesn’t have to be a CWD rep. Or call CWD and send your saddle to them.

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I’ve had something similar happen to my Devoucoux. It could be that the screw fitting is stripped, but even that should be a super easy fix. I would take it to any saddler; shipping it to CWD will far exceed the cost of the repair. JMHO.

Is the panel still attached? If so then you can screw that back in yourself. If the panel isn’t attached (hard to see in your photo), you’ll need a new rivet and may be best to send to CWD for the repair. Rivet broke on my saddle when it was like 2 weeks old and I had to send it in (which thankfully they fixed for free, but they had decent customer service back then).


There was a boarder where I work/board. Her CWD did the same thing. I screwed it back in for her. I could not guarantee it would hold. It held for at least the 6 months she was there until she moved to another barn. I would carefully screw it back in and see what you have.

Thanks everyone. Yes, the screw has come loose. I hand screwed it back in. (Oooo that doesn’t sound very nice!!!). I am searching for a saddle fitter somewhere in the southwest USA. It is a desert for a reason here. Hahahaha


Good luck finding a fix! A side note, I remember back in the day with western bridles having Chicago screws, people would use clear nail polish on the screw to keep them from coming apart.


It’s a super easy fix. A rep will have a tool- but mine talked me through it in the phone. I used a rubber glove for grip and just applied pressure and screwed it back. I think she said you could use a quarter ? But I did it 11 months ago and haven’t had an issue. It’s easy so don’t be traumatized.


I’m pretty sure CWD is an abbreviation for a french term meaning “I will rip and tear if you so much as look at me cross eyed”. We have had three and ALL required extensive repair


We had 2 CWD made to measure, still never fitted the horse concerned so sold them, Equipe seemed a better fit so we have one of those now, although within months the stitching on both bottom ends of saddle flaps had to be re done, agent said she’d seen that before and sent me a photo of one patched by her recommended saddler which looked awful. It is a very comfy saddle but for the price it should be!