CWD Used Warranty

Hi all! Checking to see if anyone knows anything about warranty on a used saddle from CWD’s website. found this in their general terms and conditions but not sure if the “one year” applies to used.

The Company warrants that the Products will be free of defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year following the date of delivery to the Customer. This warranty shall expressly exclude any damage caused by improper use or misuse or accident. Claims for warranty repairs must be made within the one (1) year time period described in this Section 11.

Does the warranty you posted specifically say it applies to used products?
I would assume, unless you have it in writing otherwise, that this warranty only applies to new products.
(I have no specific experience with buying used from CWD.)

no comment on the warranty, But has any one Rented a CWS saddle? I see they offer one year rents (also 1, 2 or 3 year terms)

From reading all the threads of attempting sell a used saddle this rental program would be of interest to at least some people.

When I bought my new CWD I was told there was a lifetime warranty but only for me, the original owner. If I sold it, the warranty did not apply to the new owner. I think I bought my saddle in 2007 so their policy may have changed over the years. Best to contact CWD directly and ask if the current policy applies to used saddles.

I just looked through my files, I bought my saddle in 2005 and sold it in 2012. I was told the warranty was “lifetime warranty on tree and such” and that it only applied to the original owner.

There is a limited warranty on used saddles bought through them but not if you buy a used one via private sellers or other consignment shops.


This is what I wanted to confirm! The headline of that section on their terms and conditions page was “limited warranties” but they didn’t have a section that I saw that laid out what the difference was between buying new and buying used directly from them.

Article 13 on this page:

I would definitely email the Used Saddle girl and ask for their terms on warranty for used saddles specifically. A lot of reps will give you different answers but as far as when I used to work there, there was not warranty on used saddles. They would “make up” a small warranty on saddles bought through them that went through the shop for “certification”, but it was spotty at best. In the years, as the CPO side has gotten bigger, they might have come up with a real warranty.

Did you ever find out?

When I had my CWD, my rep at the time told me the warranty on a used was forever, as long as not due to negligence. She left the company, I had a stirrup bar problem, and the office told me what she said was not true and there aren’t warranty’s on used saddles.

I’ve switched saddles since then, but I’d love to know if anyone ever got a real answer. This was a couple years ago.