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Cystic OCDs in stifles

Anyone ever dealt with these? I am looking for a horse to do trails and obstacle courses with. I found a cute 3 year old gelding with a great attitude. His life will be easy but I can’t deal with another retired horse at this point, even with a very good price point. He is currently in work but has not been for very long. Not sure if it is worth continuing looking at him or not.

I had a good experience with this, but I wouldn’t continue in this circumstance. Horse in question was 12 y/o with a show record to prove he’d been in full work since he was 4. He flexed perfectly. We negotiated heavily on price, and ultimately were at peace with the fact that if they started to bother him, our options were extremely limited and likely included surgery with a guarded prognosis for return to work. We gave Osphos yearly and hoped. He’s still showing FEI at 20 with lots of things that bug him, but not his stifles.

I would not take a chance on one that isn’t as proven though. In a young horse (under 6) this would be a hard no for me.


In a 3 year old, I wouldn’t take that chance.


Not a 3 year old. Unless you can afford the surgery.

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