
Hello! This may fall into the TMI category, but I’m getting a bit desperate and looking for some answers or people who ride with similar issues. I also want to know if riding is partly to blame for the issues in that region.

I have had a Bartholin Cyst that was infected and drained about three years ago, it never totally resolved. This year I’ve had large swellings come up in the same region, first time I managed it with antibiotics and the second time it came back and I went back to my OBGYN who removed an epidermoid cyst from my perineum 😐 post op, I’m on ABs again as something got sore AF and started draining (wasn’t from the incision - it was from inside…). The gyn isn’t really sure what’s going on, I’m super sick of it all and want answers. Is it something that I need to grin and bear because of my choice of sport or are there any other underlying conditions that can cause these? I guess I’m looking for people who have been in a similar situation. I want to go to my next appointment armed with information and what I want to do.

If it is from riding are there any tips or tricks to minimising these from occurring? I’m getting a bit sick of being prodded and needing time off work and riding to deal with these. I’ve also suffered from anal fissures, so honestly the whole area just gives me joy 🤦”â™€ï¸

I don’t think the Bartholin Cyst is from riding per se, but I could see where riding may exacerbate the cyst just due to its location. I dealt with one 30+ years ago. I was not riding at that point and hadn’t been for close to 10 years. In hindsight, I may have already had the start of this issue when I was a teen, when I was riding a lot. I never saw a doctor for it at that time, so it was never specifically identified.

When I first saw a doctor for it, my PCP thought it was just an abscess or fistula and tried abx; helped some but it reoccurred months later and abx didn’t really clear it up completely, so he lanced it. That was a moment of pure hell but also brought instant relief and seemed to solve the problem for several years.

Eventually when I was pregnant with my first child, it reoccured. OBGYN knew what it was right away. He suggested an out patient procedure called, IIRC, marcupialization. Basically they cut the pouch that is encysted and fluid filled open, turn it inside out if you will, so the cyst can’t form again and then stitch it in some way that it heals so that what was the inside of the cyst is now on the outside. I’m sure I’m not describing that exactly correctly, but I had it done 30 years ago. It is a permanent cure. A bit sensitive for a few days but it sure beat the pain of the abscessed cyst. I was told it could reoccur on the opposite side as it’s really the Bartholin gland getting inflamed and infected (we apparently have 2 of those glands, one on each side.) I’ve never had any hint of trouble with the second gland. Knock wood.

If you’re given the option of the surgery I had, I’d highly recommend it. It was quick, easy, and once healed never gave me any more trouble. I sure was glad to be rid of that literal PITA. Good luck, beyond the inconvenience, the pain is the worst I’v ever had. The PCP’s nurse even joked that childbirth would be a walk in the park in comparison and she was right.

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Thanks, it’s always nice to know someone else has had similar problems. Unfortunately when it first came up the OBGYN immediately suggested to do the marsupialization, which was eventually unsuccessful - my body healed over the hole. He was going to do it for a second time this surgery, but for whatever reason it turned out to be an epidermoid cyst. Interesting that you can get fistulas in that area, I didn’t realise!

Sorry to hear the surgery did not work for you. Hope you find some resolution soon.

Not sure about the fistula. I think that was an incorrect diagnosis before I got the correct one.