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D. Crews Bit?

BO is a bit of a bit hoarder (no pun intended). She has me going through a mound of bits to sell, and I came across a gorgeous curb that has D. Crews 1978 stamped on the inside shank.

Anyone know anything about D. Crews or this bits value? It looks barely used. I tried to google and only stumbled across the same bit with matching spurs that are for sale or sold for close to $300. :eek:

I am no expert as that is not my style of gear but I have ran across a few D. Crews looking and browsing for the stuff I like. I have seen it go considerably less than $300. Of course condition is a factor and without seeing pictures I can only offer a guess.

[QUOTE=Aces N Eights;8055937]
I am no expert as that is not my style of gear but I have ran across a few D. Crews looking and browsing for the stuff I like. I have seen it go considerably less than $300. Of course condition is a factor and without seeing pictures I can only offer a guess.[/QUOTE]

The $300 was combo with matching Spurs. I doubt this is a $300 bit!

It is really gorgeous and looks brand new, though.


Bump. Anyone?

Western Horseman magazine may be able to answer your questions.
They have a section where people send pictures of saddles/bits/spurs and one of their experts evaluate and even comes up with some history on those and their uses.

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D Crews (Dewayne Crews) made spurs and bits in the Bee County Texas Area. Everything he made was top quality. He didn’t mass produce because everything he made was hand crafted. I still remember going to his shop with my father in the 70s and early 80s. My father and I still wear D Crews Spurs and still have several of his bits. I once had a set of D Crews spurs borrowed without permission. Years later I saw a guy sitting on a fence at a jackpot wearing them. I walked over and removed them from his boots like I wanted to look at them. Then I told him he would have to fight me to get them back because they were mine. Luckily he didn’t want to fight and I got my spurs back. I’d be glad to buy the set you have.

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