Daddy Cool - sad story

Poor lad! Fancy charging someone 5000 euro for a horse you neglected, so they could try to fix him up?


Good lord. That was sad.


Interesting how they sort of danced around who was ultimately at fault for this. Sad, and makes me really :rage:

My feeling is that if you are the owner then the buck stops at you. From the pictures and description the horse did not get in that shape overnight. So if the horse is not kept in your vicinity then you need to go see it on a regular basis. And I really have a problem with someone who has other high dollar horses, will not take care of the retired ones, and sells the horse that is almost ready for euthanasia.

I also fault the people that were boarding/ keeping the horse. If the owner would not pay for veterinary care then you need to take some sort of action. And like I said - this horse did not get that bad overnight.