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Dancier progeny

rodawn, what’s the temperament like on your Dannebrog filly? She is so sweet looking![/QUOTE]

She is very easy in temperament. She is also very quick to learn the lessons we present to her and accepts new situations quite well. What I appreciate the most about her is her correct legs and good shaped feet, and her rather lovely movement.

I really like Dancier and want to breed my 16.3’ Hanoverian mare to him. A friend of mine has a Dancier colt with a club foot. Has anyone else had this issue in their Dancier Progeny?

Sharon, is it a true club or made as the result of grazing (grass foot)? With the current fashion for long legs relative to the necks/bodies it is much more common to find grass foot occurring as youngsters develop. This is across the board not just with Dancier progeny.

Thought I would bump this thread up and see if there is more Dancier progeny on COH :slight_smile: