What do you all do when you encounter an aggressive dog? The first time it happened with my QH it ran out of its yard as i was riding along the road and started going for her heels. Shes blind on that side so naturaly she ran and once we were a property or two away the dog stopped. Despite freaking out she did listen to most of my aids and nothing happened .
The other day, i was riding my Arab along the same road (its a 2 road equestrian neighborhood). We were at the “intersection” and she started getting nervous. I assumed it was because we took a right for the first time instead of going straight and the cows were making her nervous . Turns out this guys german shepherd had been stalking her, but i didn’t realize until after we turned around and it ran us into his driveway. Then, his buddy came out and began cornering my mare. He lunged at her front end and we almost flipped backwards. I was able to maneuver her through all the vehicles in the front lawn but the dogs kept cornering from the front and back. Facing and moving towards the dog only made it more aggressive. Eventually i got out of the guys yard we were cornered in and i let her book it down the road. The dog kept up almost the entire time. The whole time he was out to grab anything he could. Most aggressive dog I’ve come across.
I remained calm during the situation and my horses absolutely do not mind dogs ever, and in these cases both listened very well considering the circumstances. My concern is, what if this happens again? Of course we messaged or called the owners in both incidents but i haven’t heard back. There are children that trail ride this “road” all the time because its often the only place dry enough to ride. I absolutely don’t want my horse hauling butt down a gravel road however, because its large painful gravel. Not to mention any wounds or leg injuries she may have sustained.
Basically my questions are, what are my general rights in terms of defending myself and my horse? Had I fallen when she reared I surely was going to be mauled (which is also why i never dismounted) Im not sure what to google for that, i live in Eastern North Carolina. Also, could i have done anything different to give it a different outcome? Just to be clear, every time this has happened me and my horse were in the road or on the shoulder, there are massive ditches that separate it from the properties.
After we booked it home i did make sure to calm her down and hand walk her up the road a little bit (nowhere near the house) and ride at a walk for a few minutes. However, i am considering carrying an aursoft gun or something in case it happens again either in the neighborbood or outside of it. Would be good desensitization as well. Thoughts?