Looking for opinions on my mares wound. She got caught up in the wire fencing in her field (I HATE wire fencing) three weeks ago and got herself a deep wound on the inside of her right leg in two spots, one larger wound and the other smaller but both deep. My vet was on vacation and the other vet on call in her office was on another emergency call the night it happened so I called another vet I’ve used in the past as I wanted it treated asap. He said the wound was in a good location and didn’t see any catastrophic damage done as it wasn’t over the front of the knee and was off to the side and mentioned he sees a full recovery although the wound did go bone deep, although he didn’t mention that until a week later? He flushed it out and I’ve kept it wrapped with silver cream on it up until the last few days as she continues to rub the wraps off. She just finished a second round of antibiotics as well. Shes off slightly on the leg and late last week didn’t want to bend the knee when my vet picked it up. The swelling went majorly down within two days of the vet being out after the injury, but I’m still continuing to feel some warmth over the knee and slight swelling. My vet (my normal vet, not the one who initially treated her) told me to put her back on bute and continue stall rest, that it may just be inflammation from the wound still healing. She is scheduled to be back out early next week to remove proud flesh and said we can look at ultrasound or xrays that day if she is still off in the leg, although she has greatly improved since inital injury. I’m mainly worried about the slight warmth and swelling over the knee still, wire did rub the front of the knee as you can see in photos but didn’t break skin. Is it possible that although it didn’t break the skin that it rubbed a tendon sheath? Looking for any opinions or thoughts, I havent dealt with this deep of a wound before. I did call my vet this morning again and am waiting for a call back.
The first photo was immediately after I brought her in from her field, within two hours of injury I suspect, the second photo about two weeks ago and so you can see location of wound better, third was taken yesterday.