Degenerative Arthritis Of Both Hips

PRP Coverage FYI

Just called my Blue Cross ins. and they no longer cover PRP treatment. They did in the beginning but no longer.

Left Field Ruleā€¦SI Joints

I am back from the pain management Dr. He wiggled my legs around some and said yes, I have some arthritis on my x-rays but that is not what is causing my pain. He said I have inflamed Sacroiliac joints from riding, OK,ā€¦so on 1/26 I am having my SI joints injected under fluoroscopic guidance. He said I may need more than one treatment. This sounds like an easier fix than I was expecting!! Beats hip replacement:-D I pray he is correct. I asked him if I should keep my orthopedist apt. and he said no need to. I am skeptical of Dr.'s and will believe it when I feel it!! I may be back in the saddle after all! I would love to be able to straddle my pony on long relaxing trail rides and maybe even get on my daughterā€™s horse & keep her in form. It has been so hard not to be able to ride, or ride and look foolish. So that is where it stands now. I am not certain I want to cancel the orthopedist yet though, I am a BIG skeptic :slight_smile:

Good news ~ glad you have a plan ~ sending Jingles that 1/26 is the solution ! Please keep us updated. Jingles & AO Always Optimistic !

me too?

Very good news indeed. I am anxious to hear how the injection works.

I have also had miserable pain (lower back, hips) which have been made much worse by sitting and riding. I had herniated a disc several years ago but the pain would come and go. This pain rarely goes despite prolonged periods of ā€œrestā€ (ie not riding) and stretching and or pilates. Ironically, I went to ride my horse today and he spooked a bit and trotted off NQR. The vet was coming anyway so he looked at him. In addition to needing his hocks done (he was due) the vet found his S.I. joint to be very sore and said he would benefit from an injection. I started reading about SI dysfunction and realize this is probably my problem too!!! I am calling the ortho in the a.m.!!!

Will Post Outcome

I will post my out come :slight_smile:


Backs and hips are wierd how they refer pain. Iā€™ve had SI joint issues forever - but itā€™s been because of my hips.

So now you have hip pain because of your SI joints.

If thatā€™s the major issue (and most of the pain guys are pretty good at these things), then you have a WAAAAAYYYYY easier trip.

Also - there are a number of exercises on the 'net that help reposition your SIā€™s if you get ā€˜outā€™ in the joint. If I can find one article that was really good (and approved by my PT) Iā€™ll post a link.

Iā€™ve had both issues. I find that when my SI is acting up, I have to be very careful which stretches I do and to not over-do them. The hip was more limited range of motion and inability to tolerate long time in the saddle just sitting, less of an issue if moving. When my SI is really out, riding is out of the question, I canā€™t even stand straight (and it takes about 5 minutes to get up from sitting).

Anyhow, good to hear youā€™re getting started in unraveling it all!

I just want to RIDE!

Saw my PT yesterday and she does not think my issues are just SI joints because of my restricted range of motionā€¦26th I am going to be injected. On Thurs. I see the orthopedist that does the newer procedure of resurfacing, (200 mile round trip)ā€¦all I can do is keep going until I exhaust all avenues and can RIDE again, I want to RIDE !!


. all I can do is keep going until I exhaust all avenues and can RIDE again, I want to RIDE
Yes, you are right ! Just keep pushing for answers and you will 1 .find the needed solution and then you will 2. get the treatment or procedure and then you will 3. ride Pain Free again ! It is a tough process finding the answers ~ you can do this ~ just pace yourself ~ for the struggle and long haul of this process. The rewards are worth the struggle. Jingles for you during this difficult time.

Hopefully the SI is the problem. Another thing just to make sure you have had checked out before you have any surgery: Did any of the docs thoroughly examine your back along the way? As a previous poster notedā€¦SI and back pain can refer into the hips as well. AKA a disc problem CAN make your hips hurt. Mine does that. MOST times a disc problem will also give you back painā€¦but not always. All I get is a ā€œtoothacheā€ in my left hip. Fortunately for me the riding makes it better!!! Just want you rule that out too since you seem to have hip pain disproportionate to your xray results.

Yeahā€¦the husband has a degenerative disk at L4ā€¦makes his hip and leg hurt.

ETA: that doesnā€™t really restrict ROM, tho.

Not The News I Wanted To Hear

Went to Syracuse about my hips yesterdayā€¦not so good. I was born with shallow hip sockets, the Dr. asked if I had heard of hip dysplasia in dogs and of course I have. That is what I basically haveā€¦and the joints are worn out and almost bone on bone. He said I have a bout a 1 yr. window to have the resurfacing which lasts longer than replacements and has benefits. I would need to lose 40 lbs. before he would consider the resurfacing surgery for me and I could never gain the weight back or I would be risking fracturing my femur heads and the cap of the resurfacing:(. Then I would need the replacement anyway. He thinks I will need both hips replaced within 3 years. Not too thrilled. Many decisions of all kinds to make. He said he could inject my hips if I would like, but did not think that would have too much of an effect.


Resurf. doesnā€™t last longer than all the THRā€™s out thereā€¦e.g. there are THRā€™s that have the same head and socket as a resurf. E.g. large head metal on metal.
Mary Lou Retton had to have those when she was 38 - they didnā€™t have resurfacing at that time. You can google on her and ā€˜hip replacementā€™ to get her story.

Go search ā€œdirect anteriorā€ hip replacement - NOT JUST ANTERIOR! They cut muscles less and you are ambulatory faster. There are some docs who do the resurf as direct anterior as well - mine does, but I wasnā€™t a candidate.

You might want to PM Bank of Dad - she had a total direct anteriorā€¦I think in early Dec.

I donā€™t remember how old you said you were (I just had THR on Monday and am kinda groggy from vicodin)ā€¦but for either MOM THR or resurf they want you past child bearing age.

The resurfā€™s are definitely a little tetchier as far as weight and bone sizeā€¦e.g. my bones are very small and I have steep sockets, too, plus Iā€™m 52 - so that was out. Could have found somebody to do it, but the chance of issues down the road was too high considering everything else Iā€™ve been thru w/ this hip.

Couple of sites that might be of interest:

Please note that there are zealots in both camps - ignore them and determine what is right for you.


Thank you for your reply, will reread later and look up your links. I am 49 yrs. old. I have no one to help me, work off much of my 2 horses board and take care of a newly handicapped hubby that cannot drive and a mentally disabled womanā€¦horses will have to be sold at least until I am on my feet again :eek:

OMG!!! I am currently recouperating from my 3rd total hip replacement. The first one was in '07 and due to undiagnosed osteopenia, had to be do again within 4 wks. Not pleasant!! Started riding 2 mos later. then got hurt by tractor and out for 5 mos. Dec 15,'09 I had micro hip replacement on the left hip (before it degenerated into oblivion like rt. one and, if the weather would be nice, I could start riding again (walk and a little trot; hip will tell). No more breaking horses and CT or jumping but hey I can still ride and do what I love, just with extreme caution.

I am sorry but you can do this !

I am sorry about your news:no: ~ take some time to grieve this news and then pick yourself back up and make a plan - no need to sell your horses maybe you can lease them or allow somone to borrow them - you can work this out !:yes: and feel better :yes:!and ride YOUR horses again:yes: !!! You are shocked and saddened and angry and everything ~ I was too when I got my news BUT you can get through this in good form - just stop ! slow down and make a planā€¦ please ~~ cry and then make a plan ā€“ I have been where you are - same socket problem THR I am riding no pain.:cool:

Thanks. I will.
The best plan will be to get in the best physical shape I can, reduce expenses & obligations and pay off as much debt as I can. I am self-employed and will not have income when I am not able to work.


I rec WW Weight:yes: Watchers - Iā€™m down 49.4 in 17 weeks - find a friend to keep your horses ~ just turn them out for a rest vacation - you have alot of time to prepare ~ I know you can do this :yes:but I also know how much the entire situation hurts :sadsmile:physically and emotionally * BUT I know it is workable I made it through I know you can TOO!!!:winkgrin::):DREALLY !!! Let yourself be sad then get going !

Sounds good

Sounds good. The Dr. will see me in 1 yr. I go for a 2nd opinion next month, (this one does not do resurfacing). Cut my expenses, pay off debt and get in the best shape I can:)

Tramadol can cause seizures and you need to be very careful when taking any other medications with tramadol.Tramadol reduces your seizure threshold. Long term use can also cause neuropathy, this is not a uncommon side effect. Docs love giving tramadol over narcotics for pain because it has been marketed as non-addicting pain medication. Tramadol is addicting and you will go through serious withdrawal trying to stop tramadol. Withdrawal symptoms correlate to dosage and length of usage.