Degenerative Arthritis Of Both Hips

Wow! I do not like the Tramadol, upsets my stomach. Ibuprofen works better anyway for me. My husband got neuropathy last summer of both hands and his right leg, knee down from a side effect from his chemo drugs. His right hand is withering, he can no longer write or drive. He lives on the ground floor now. I am now the only driver in the house. The Dr.'s do not think he will ever get use of his hands or leg back. He is on methadone for the pain. We are falling apart here!!

Jingles for you and your family ~ hoping things turn around soon.

Cfour: You are getting so much conflicting info. It is very hard to decide who to believe and what is correct. I work in the health care field and I think docā€™s push what they know and do, and discourage that with which they are not familiar with, or what the politics of their particular medical system will allow or not allow. I take it you are in NY state. Like other had said, maybe their are other COTHers that could help with your horses.

If I had not found my doc, I would have gone to Calif. to have the doc Joel Matta, who perfected my approach, do my hip. Thats what golfer Tom Watson did from Kansas.

You have so much on you plate right now with job and hubby, etc. Do what will get you up and running in the least amount of time, rather than being in misery for another year or two. You are the only one who can figure out what that is.

I am the only driver in the house too, a lot of responsibility and work. Try to see an orthopedist who does the minimally invasive anterior hip replacement like I had. You donā€™t even need PT afterwords. If you PM me, I can try to get you names of docā€™s in your region. My should last 20 + years. I didnā€™t even consider resurfacing, why go thru surgery twice

Toller Twins, so you had your operation. Let me know how you are doing. It is now two months for me. I got the ok to start feeding the horses again. My support system is very relieved.

I am swimming in the warm pool at the local club. Joining was cheaper than my copay for PT, if I decided to do it anyway. With swimming and basic stretch exercises, I am doing well.

Cfour, I sure hope the second opinion doc gives you some better options. I agree with the other poster who said doctors tend to push what they know. If you hear the same response from doctors of different background or philosophy, then I think you can begin to rely on what they are telling you. But I sure wouldnā€™t sell the horses based on one doctorā€™s prognosis.

Best of luckā€“I think of you often and send you good thoughts!



Thank you so much!:slight_smile:

Hey, Bankā€¦just got home from the hospital on Weds. I, too, was suprised that things hurtā€¦My PT sez ā€˜DUH - its not that this doesnt hurt - the other ones hurt worse!ā€™.

When Iā€™m just resting it kinda hurts like a header I took off the pony and on to the hip last year. Went for a walk all the way around the local Gander Mtnā€¦and was really in less pain than I would have been pre-surgery. Just had to come home and do a major crash afterwards.

Now having to do the prune juice and epsom salts thing (YUCK!)l

CFour- there are several people over on bonesmart who have contacted Joel Mattaā€™s office directly for referalls in their area. Hes one that does both resurf and THR via anterior and could point you to somebodyā€¦

You really want to talk to somebody who does a lot of bothā€¦those guys are going to be more open about what is good for YOU and not just what they are familiar with. And a lot of the really good guys are tightening restrictions on who they will resurf.


RE: what bank of dad said re: getting up and running quicklyā€¦I would tend to agree.

Yeah - we might all need a revision when weā€™re 80ā€¦but my PT person sez that for a primary cementless the current revisions arent horribleā€¦and that there are major breakthrus every 7 years or so. So by the time we get there the whole playing field will be different anyway.

Greatly Disappointed Today :frowning:

I mounted my horse today and I am no better off than before my SI joint injectionsā€¦not really in pain just cannot bend and conform around the horses barrelā€¦anyone ever try to have a Barbie doll ride a Breyer horse? Thatā€™s meā€¦I simply do not bend anymore and do not understand why!!! 3 yrs. ago I was riding everyday!!!:mad::confused: Why, why why:confused:
I was really counting on the injection solving this problem!! At least the Dr. said it would!!!

well $hitā€¦

unfortunately - that probably points to the hips as being the major issueā€¦


I was so hoping the injections would enable me to straddle my horse, at least for a whileā€¦I do not know why my legs will not conform to and wrap around the horses barrelā€¦they are so stiff and will not move the way I want them to when mounted, I just do not understandā€¦:confused: I am calling the Dr. today and telling him I still do not bend!!

Just called the Dr.'s office & told them I cannot straddle & bend even w/ the injectionsā€¦she said you will need to be seen againā€¦I asked her what can the Dr. do before I come back in (more $$)ā€¦I said maybe he is not the right kind of Dr. to make me bend & ride againā€¦she is going to call me back.

Kind of likeā€¦

well $hitā€¦

unfortunately - that probably points to the hips as being the major issueā€¦[/QUOTE]

Kind of like a nerve block, LOL:lol:

C4H, pm me your email address, and Iā€™ll send you my husbandā€™s little write-up of his experiences with hip replacement surgery. Heā€™s had both hips done. It made a huge difference to him very quickly. He was driving about 2 weeks after the last hip, and was skiing 16 weeks later, and heā€™s no Supermanā€¦

Scheduling resurfacing w/ Dr. Su the start of June in NYCā€¦scared to DEATH!


I dealt with it with lot:eek: of NSAIDS and extra strength Tylenolā€™ later I found an Osteopathic MD who did aCcupuncture she helped me the VERY BEST:yes::cool:1

centered riding

ntered :winkgrin:riding:yes: and the right:cool: medical care


.I do not know why my legs will not conform to and wrap around the horses barrelā€¦they are so stiff and will not move

A good Centered Riding Instructor:lol: can help you find out why/ where the ā€œblockā€ or "dam:eek: in your body is, and how to deal with it gently:yes: and effectivelyt

A horseman in this area, col. Paul; Wimert,

dressage judge and avid foxhunter had both replaced and went back to foxhunting:eek:, though I 'm sure it must have been painful:no::o I canā€™t imagine :no:

C4 - Suā€™s supposed to be one of the best in the resurf. fieldā€¦you should be in really good hands.

Hip Dysplasia

Hi C4,
I just came across this thread. I started with hip pain at age 40. I started walking for exercise, lost 80 lbs and felt great, until the hip pain got so bad, I couldnā€™t walk anymore. Strangely, riding never bothered my hips much. I went from doc to doc trying to figure out why my hips were hurting. I didnā€™t get a correct dx until I was 45! That doc told me to come back when I was 60 for a THR. I had a periacetabular osteotomy(PAO) when I was 46. The hip socket is relocated. I was on crutches for 13 weeks each hip. However, I felt great, for about one year. I could do anything that I wanted to. Then what little cartilage I had left, gave up on me. I had both hips replaced at 48. The THRā€™s have not gone that well for me. Iā€™m unable to ride. But I do hear lots of success stories about THR. I think that at 49, youā€™re too old for a PAO. The recovery time would pose too many problems for you as well. I have heard great things about Dr Su. I think the most important thing is to find a good doc. Theyā€™ll do what works best for them, which usually works best for the patient. Most orthopedic surgeons have a lot of pride (some have too much). They want favorable outcomes. There is a group with a lot of information on the Yahoo Groups. Itā€™s called hipwomen. I read about Dr. Su there. Hip deformities cause our bodies to be out of whack! Feet, knees and back all take a beating as our bodies try to accomodate incorrect conformation. Massage therapy might help ease the pain till surgery.
Wishing you the best of luck.