Degenerative Arthritis Of Both Hips


I had a scope done at 52…basically did most of the work that they did in PAO except for the re-orientation. My remaining cartilage started to degrade in 3 mos…never got off crutches.

Had THR last week. Am starting to read that they are starting to think that any joint preservation surgery is not good for anybody over 40- couple of docs in the northeast are recommending a special mri that focuses on cartilage before they’ll touch either scope or pao on any body over about 30.

How come you cant ride? Do you think it was because of the PAO?

Waiting to hear about a date in early June for the resurfacing. I also will find out if Dr. Su will do just 1 or both of my hips. Right now do not know if I can get an anesthesiologist covered on my BlueX ins. Also I have asked a half dozen people if they would pick me up from the hospital when I am discharged and they all said no for 1 reason or another…most are too scared to come in and drive in NYC.I will take a bus from home to Port Authority and a cab to the hotel & hospital . If I cannot get a ride home from the hospital guess I will be unable to use Dr. Su. I have a sister in law that will put me up a night in Long Valley, NJ if I can get there from the hospital…but no one is willing to drive into the city to get me…:no: It is great to be loved:D

The Knife

A good Centered Riding Instructor:lol: can help you find out why/ where the “block” or "dam:eek: in your body is, and how to deal with it gently:yes: and effectivelyt[/QUOTE]

He he, going under the knife is the only thing that will help me (my degenerating hips are the block)…I hope the Dr. is gentle & effective:lol: !!!

See if the hospital has a patient transport service. Some do…You might be able to have them take you home or SIL’s…

I think that if they do bilateral they usually send you to an acute rehab facility for 10 days or so.

Bi Lateral

Wow, I could not imagine having to close my business down again for another hip…having to get in and out of NYC again…not to mention all the $$ this is going to cost & being laid up when I take care of my handicapped husband. I do not have much of a support system at all. I rather just get it all done at once and be done and move on! I will call the hospital Monday and see if there is a way I can at least get to my sister in laws in NJ. I have a better chance of having someone get me home from NJ.:yes:

sorry, just stumbled on this thread. When you need?
I’m in CT but near NYC. I drive in and our all the time. IF you’re nothern Jersey, I can probably help you.

C4, I know how frustrating this is for you. I have many health issues, one of the worst is that 40 yrs of prednisone use has caused most of my joints to lose the cartilidge. Have had one THR in 2006 and it is fine. Now need the other hip, both shoulders and both knees. I have had open heart, 2003, and to clear me for the THR I had a heart echo. That led to a heart cath with 2 stents and I am now on Plavix. I have to take it for a year before any surgery.

The pain in unbearable but I get out to see my big guy, a percheron I ride, at least twice a week for cuddling, grooming and trick training. I am also on oxygen 24/7 but I refuse to give in. I will ride again, maybe even after some more weight loss and working out. So don’t EVER get discouraged. Take your time and talk to as many horse people and orthos that you can. Then make a plan.

My ortho at Cleveland Clinic is a little bitty lady that rides a Morgan mare. She knew I planned to ride. Break the entire project into steps and just go one at a time… that’s what I am doing. Everytime you get discouraged stop, re-evaluate, adjust if necessary and go forward… Bless you and good luck.

Thanks all of you for having this discussion. I have learned a few new tricks for myself and will be checking back.

To Flashwhitelock

Here is the hospital…my sister in law is in Long Valley NJ…but may meet me in Morristown, NJ…

Riding after PAO/THR

My PAO was quite successful. My doc was Millis out of Children’s - Boston. I would suspect that I’m probably part of his study regarding older women. He was honest with me - I knew THR was a risk going in. But I really didn’t want to have a THR. I felt great and was back to riding. First PAO 5/06. Rode 9/06. Second PAO 10/06. Rode and skied 3/07.
Resurfacing takes longer to recuperate than THR. I’ve heard that you can’t put much weight on a resurfaced hip to start, but with minimally invasive THR, it doesn’t take much time at all to be weight bearing. So I don’t think they would do both resurfacings the same day. Even with same day THR, you go to rehab hospital afterward - you would never make it to the bathroom alone with same day THR. But you’re in good hands with Dr. Su. There are top THR docs in NYC as well. Maybe Dr Su does THR?


I have followed this thread for a while now and wish you the very best in your hip repair. I have made sidesaddles for many women in late middle age so they could keep on riding. I have done offside and rail sidesaddles for MS patients and those with hip and orthopedic problems.
Do not dismiss the sport for both English and Western riders. Yes there is a problem finding just the right sidesaddle that fits both the horse and the rider. But when you find that perfect fitting sidesaddle and can ride “to fences” or just out hacking, it gives a new lease on life.
I have seen women doing gymkana in sidesaddles as well as one woman out in California who put on a cutting horse demo in her sidesaddle. Our grandmothers were wise women. They rode aside when their hips and low back problems did not let them ride astride.
It is an option if you can not ride any other way.
JMHO sadlmakr

C4, sorry I’m too far to pick yu up. Driving in NYC wouldn’t bother me… check out the patient transit system with the hospital dept. of social work. Could be a common problem.

Tollertwins, how are you doing now? We are socked in with feet of snow. I wear my ice cleats and can get out to feed the guys. I feel a little sore from the bending, i may be overdoing it, but its really rough here now.

I’ve kept an eye on this thread. I got my artificial hip at 32, due to avascular necrosis from a running injury.

Hip’s been great for 9 years. Never a problem. I dislocated it 8 days ago, though, just when I was ready to become a re-rider and was looking at lesson programs. Not now. It slipped back in place on its own, but follow-up x-rays show that I have gotten a good start on trashing the acetabular component. So, no riding.:frowning: Instead, a major overhaul of my current (admittedly rigorous) workout program. The “R-word” (revision) was already mentioned, but I refuse to do this until I have at least some degree of pain! Currently trying to find a doctor, as the one who did the original does not do hips anymore.

I expected to get a few more years from it, but I have been pretty hard on it. . .

Hi Bank…I’m a hair over 2 weeks out. Just started formal PT yesterday - I specifically asked for PT because I’ve been on crutches for 10 months and need it to recoup from that. Start pool therapy in 2 more weeks.

Still kinda sore and taking Vicodin…most of the soreness in the outside of the glute area. Not anything like what I had post scope tho…Hoping to be back in the saddle at 3 months, but not bringing that up till my next post-op.

Still on 2 crutches but starting to be able to walk some alternating crutches (haven’t been able to do that since Oct). Might be a little in the slow lane because of the previous issue.

Yeah - you’re probably overdoing…but with the weather up there I’m not sure you can do much else. Can you get some Celebrex so that you don’t get it all inflamed and angry? Everybody is telling me that the internal swelling takes some time to really get settled down.

PS - guy over on bonesmart just posted a vid of him telemark skiing at 2.5 months out!!!

cfour- I accidentally erased your number. Call me, I can probably do it if no one else can. U R about 2 hours from me.

Bad dream

I want no part of this! I want to wake up and ride like the wind! I had my hips injected today. Yesterday I saw the local orthopedist…he said resurfacing in risky and I should go to a total hip replacement on both hips as I am in “end stages” w/ SEVERE arthritis…how on Earth has this happened to me…I want out!:mad:

I dont thing that a resurf is necessarily riskier than a THR…


There is DEFINITELY a window before which or past which you are NOT eligible for resurfacing. Seems like you have to have enough, but not too much, damage…

If you go to the surface hippy website, they have some Dr’s listed who will review emailed xrays if you have them - for free.

Some of the top name guys are on the list - including Koen De Smet in Belgium, who is one of the most experienced in the world.

Jingles continue for you during this “bad to good journey” ~ you will make it through this period with flying colors and sooner than you believe ~~ you will be enjoying flying manes and tails.

Zu Zu Did You?

Did you have a resurface or THR? 1 or 2 hips?

Remember I am the THR - 1-17-05 one hip - left hip. You can do this and will will be fine ~ re-read this thread to find more of my details ~ or if you have specific questions please pm - I go for my five year check on 2-23-10 next Tuesday and will be more than willing to ask any questions you want answers for. Hope this helps - Jingles & AO Always Optimistic !I am posting Tuesday after my apt to Mara’s thread ~ concerning her questions about “revision”. Will be happy to post to your thread with any information you need.

It’s All Good !

Back from apt ~ 5 yr check up of my THR Left side - no wear or tear on my replacement:cool: & no limitations :cool:- should last 20/30 more years:cool: ~ if revision is ever necessary ( although he states most likely not) it can be done easily ~ recovery from revision is longer than first THR ~My next check up apt. in four years. They monitor wear and tear in order to adjust your activities if necessary and when wear & tear starts showing on xrays or in ones mobility. Hope this helps . Pm me if I did not answer any questions you may have. ( Oh ! He did say riding :Dand jogging ponies :Dhitched to various styles of jog carts and carrying H2O buckets all barn chores still fine:cool::smiley: - high impact acitvities should be avoided like Jumping up and down on cement ~ or cement court basketball.- so I will miss my Sunday pick-up game of ball:confused: ! NOT !:lol::lol::lol: