Hi, I first signed up to this forum after I found a really interesting thread that was actually about my horse. It was originally posted by goodmorning, and now its gone. Do threads get deleted? Can I ever access it again? I have the URL for what it used to be if that helps… Thanks so much!
Sorry dear but once they’re deleted, they’re gone. Usually twice a year, the mods must purge threads that are less than 4 pages long. They must do so to save bandwidth, which keeps the board’s accessibility running smoothly and quickly.
For future reference, if you see a thread you like, you can either print it out or save it.
Ok, thanks so much I understand
Thanks ChocoMare–yes, we do have to purge older, shorter threads regularly. We just pruned the board last month and have to do so maybe four times per year, depending on how that board’s acting.
We posted a “pruning alert” announcement before the last one to give everyone a heads up to check for old threads they’d like to save, and we plan to do that before each future pruning session. The announcement section is located at the top of each forum–it’s where the “REVISED rules” notice is posted.
Also, at any time, anyone can hit an alert on a thread they think is great and of general interest and recommend that we save it to the “favorites” or “reference” forums. The longer threads (over 40, 60 or 100 posts, depending upon the forum) are saved by default, but the shorty-but-goodies are excellent candidates for the reference forum!
Sorry you lost one of your favorites, but thanks for your interest!
Sometimes threads that have been deleted remain in the Google cache for awhile… you can try going to Google and searching like this:
site:chronicleforums.com yoursearchterm
Try putting your horse’s name or another word you remember from the thread as the search term. If something comes up in the search check the Google cached version and make sure to copy everything you want to save!
can you delete your own threads or do the mods have to do that?
How do I unregister myself?
The mods are the only ones who can delete threads. You can delete your individual posts in a thread using the “edit” function. If it’s the first post in a thread, you won’t be able to delete the actual post field, but you can edit it to remove the contents.
If you’ve accidentally double posted a thread or posted it in the wrong forum, you can send me a PM or hit an “alert” on the thread to let us know and we’ll take care of it. Otherwise, we avoid deleting threads unless they’re breaking rules, or part of a routine prune session.
Mod 1