Deleting Old SS Alters

Can you please delete
“Beastie Slave’s Beastly Elf”

Its my alter from last year SS and I need to re use that email address :slight_smile:


Happy elfing!

Moderators how can you delete a user name with my old email? So I can use that email for a new user name for SS?
Thanks, SSF

Can you delete my ss name from last year? Please!! It was, i hope, Kellythehorsegirlself. I want to do the one for this year. sandy
Sorry I was wrong: It is Kellidahorse’s elf Get it gone and I can do the new one

[QUOTE=Summit Springs Farm;5220947]
Moderators how can you delete a user name with my old email? So I can use that email for a new user name for SS?
Thanks, SSF[/QUOTE]

Please let us know what your old elf name was or send me a PM with the email address it’s associated with, and we’ll be happy to take care of it.

[QUOTE=Sugarbrook;5221840]Can you delete my ss name from last year? Please!! It was, i hope, Kellythehorsegirlself. I want to do the one for this year. sandy
Sorry I was wrong: It is Kellidahorse’s elf Get it gone and I can do the new one[/QUOTE]

“Kellidahorse’s elf” is now deleted, so your email address is freed for this year’s elfin hijinks.


the old user name is summitspringsfarm. thx!

[QUOTE=Summit Springs Farm;5222622]
the old user name is summitspringsfarm. [/QUOTE]

You’re all set. :slight_smile: