I have been searching for a new dentist. My trustworthy dentist who had been treating me for a decade retired, unfortunately. I tried staying with his practice but they changed hands several times and were very pushy regarding sales.
I tried a new dentist last year and they were very non-aggressive and gave me a very light cleaning in about 20 minutes, but I wasn’t super impressed.
Tried a new dentist this year. He says I have an infection by my retained wisdom teeth (still under the gumline) and recommended antibiotics as well as scaling and root planning for 1-3 teeth. Estimated bill is $400 with insurance covering the rest.
Those wisdom teeth have been sitting there for years, and occasionally I get a little bit of infection in the pocket of the gum but nothing that has caused pain or required anything more than some chlorhexidine and a water pick. I’m not sure I need to be super aggressive with treatment and I do wonder if treatment will just aggravate the area. (Chronic pericoronitis I believe is the name for it).
Or perhaps I should just get those teeth removed? I was originally told to leave them be, as the root is right next to the nerve and their are risks in getting them removed. Of course, the surgeon who removed my top wisdom teeth disagreed and said they could cause all sorts of problems and I was better getting them out.
But so far, they have not caused issues.
Maybe I need to see another doctor and get a second opinion. Obviously if it’s going to be $400 or more per year to maintain the area, it may be better to just get them removed and be done with the issue. But then I could risk nerve damage given the location of the roots.
Any thoughts or suggestions?