Bless you stegall!!!
I’m clambering up on my soapbox again just to chime in and say - doing the right thing doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. We all have a lot of demands on our time and wallets and darn it - we really want to ride our horses!
Please don’t think that I spent a lot of money conserving my land. I didn’t have any money. All I had was the desire.
Setting aside and protecting habitat can be as simple as not mowing everything to a nub. Leaving some brush piles in the woods. Planting a native species instead of a hothouse flower. Supporting your local park or land trust or other group.
It starts at home. Teeny tiny things. You don’t have to go off-grid or wear Birkenstocks and stop shaving your legs.
We all want a place to ride our horses, to show them, stable them and land to feed them. A trail ride in the park is much more enjoyable if there are birds and other critters about. Your horse is healthier if you can get locally grown good quality hay. That takes land and nutrient management. And I know for a fact we all breathe a little easier and are much happier when we get to the barn and see our horse!
So it is all connected. Lead by example.
I’m such a sap - I even have my National Wildlife Federation Backyard Wildlife Habitat certficate framed.