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Devon Horse Show 2021 and COVID-19

That’s the thing. I don’t see how they can really relax the rules much without vaccination verification, but I don’t know how they can verify health records on humans.

They do for school children and I had to get a TB test every few years when I taught, so I wonder. “They” are also talking about requiring proof of vaccinations for airplane trips.

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It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds throughout the year, with horse sports and everything else.

Nope - unless there’s a nuance I’m missing it should be totally fine under HIPAA. HIPAA only applies to certain entities - healthcare providers, insurers, etc.

Additionally HIPAA would not prohibit asking for proof of vaccination It is more focused on how you secure and protect that information. For example, if a covered entity asks for proof of vaccination, it can’t post a list of everyone who has and has not been vaccinated on the front door of a building.


Announcement from the governor of Pennsylvania regarding loosening restrictions there:


I plan on getting a vaccine, I wear a mask, I social distance, but I do not agree with horse shows forcing entrants to submit their medical records to enter. I think that would be the death of horse shows.

Sports have found a way to continue while following Covid protocols, Devon isn’t the first horse show since the virus showed up. I think that people who accept the Covid protocols and feel comfortable should show, and those that won’t follow protocols or don’t feel comfortable should not show.


Schools require “proof of vaccination” in order to attend.