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Devon Live Stream

Kind of a wild conformation hunter class going on. An uncharacteristic miss, abrupt pull up after fence one, trot step - all 3 different horses. Sam S was gorgeous on the chestnut though (Life Style? ETA - nope, Last Call, finished 2nd) - fabulous pace throughout.

Still looking for my ad- it’s a banner not a commercial, but not seeing any banners? I’m getting (some) clicks so I know it’s somewhere lol. Maybe between classes?

Hmm. I have it on now, and I have not seen any banners.

I think maybe sometimes they put them on the screen during drag breaks, but when I turned the stream on today, they were actually on a drag break, but I did not see any banners then. Maybe they had already run through them when I turned it on.

Was watching on my phone yesterday with no issues as well.

Didn’t notice a banner but also wasn’t looking for it.

Tried to log in via my USEF credentials and stuck in log in loop that I’m not able to escape from

Me too

Did the livestream just go down for anyone else?

Edited to add: It’s up again. Phew.

They’re just about to start the high performance.

Is anyone now seeing banners directly above the livestream? I checked again today, saw nothing, emailed my contact at USEF to ask where to look, got a screenshot of my banner right above the livestream, clicked back to USEF Network and… VOILA, banners, right where she said they’d be :sweat_smile:

I stg they were not there yesterday or this morning!

I see a banner above the screen now.

I did not notice it earlier today when I was watching the hunters. But I wasn’t looking for it, either.

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Did anyone happen to catch who is doing the commentary with Oliver Kennedy for the derby this morning? Is it his wife?

Yes, Rachel Kennedy

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Is Nick Haness not showing McQueen anymore? I haven’t seen them together since WEF…

They were reserve champion in the High Performance Conformation Hunter at Devon.

Thank you! Love that horse! I follow both Nick & Balmoral on Instagram but hadn’t seen them post about McQueen, so, happy for the update.

The Walkenbach’s own him, and he lives with them. He’s not in Balmoral’s program anymore.