It seems there is a lot of disagreement on what should be permitted, what shouldn’t, etc., and what is possible or isn’t. The start of this thread was is Diann too harsh basically. I think it’s honestly much more widespread than she even wants to acknowledge and what I think a lot of people refuse to acknowledge. The usef collects a lot of money every year that we’ve all paid year after year, show after show — I think they are just fine on funds to properly test and protect these poor animals. My personal feeling is the usef needs their feet held to the fire to have proper testing that includes all drugs. These should be rapid tests that they walk out the in-gate of the awards presentation and they’re waiting for them. Every special class top 3 should be tested, and every champion and reserve horse should be tested in the rated divisions.
I will disagree that there’s a lot of people doing it right, I think there’s a small percentage of those at the top AA circuit “doing it right”, but I think there’s many more that are cheating than we want to believe. Believe me, I trusted and learned the very hard way ultimately. People I was shocked would do these types of things. I had horses with nearly no liver and kidney function coming out destroyed when I thought I was doing the best for my horses. They had adequan and legend in my trunk for every week I showed, gastroguard for every day, I had my own bemer for them, I paid to have them massaged, MagnaWave, salt water spa. You name it I did it. But they were being destroyed by drugs that were given to them without my knowledge. Hemorrhaging glandular pyloric ulcers that went through treatment after treatment with no resolve which required biopsies. I could go on and on but I think it’s truly much more rampant than we all want to really consider.