Diann Langer’s abuse article

I’m sorry but go look up the whole video on clipmyhorse then, and you can see how drugged it was. I said nothing about how much the horse was shown or not, but I will assure you this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this horse look like this. It’s always on drugs.

Pennywell quoted the person who said the horse did not have any time off.


I agree with you. People are hiring people they think they can trust but it’s a bit blindly. Sadly many of us find out the hard way at some point.

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I don’t know if it was drugged or not, however, statements like this are what make it hard to police welfare.

Looking at a spattering of videos - you can’t tell it’s drugged. And his USEF record isn’t setting the world on fire that would indicate it’s drugged to enhance performance and my point is YOU DONT KNOW, but are identifying a horse and owner.

Your post makes a reasonable person think- what does this anonymous poster have against this ammie, or the horses, or the trainer or the groom? Now imagine you are on the USEF and get - who knows- hundreds of rando finger pointing.

It really takes away from the cases where there probably fragrant medical infractions or cause for concern. The boy who cried wolf and all.


It might spark the conversation between the owner and the trainer though. “Under no circumstances is Pookie to be injected with anything or fed anything without my knowledge. Kapeesh?” Force the owners to get at least a titch more involved here.


Do tell what the upside is to drugging a horse to the point that it is crashing through jumps? Routinely? That doesn’t even make sense.

That video demonstrates nothing. The rider thought they were leaving the ground, the horse did not, then tried to catch up to the rider and voila, classic case of not making it down the line. Lazy? Tired? Short-strided? Drugged? Who knows, but you certainly cannot scream Drugged! based on that 20 second clip.

And you’ve posted with scoreboard in view and names ablaze in lights. I suspect it won’t stay up long but when everyone starts screaming SAY THEIR NAMES we get a lot of crap like this with absolutely no evidence to back it up.

(Disclaimer: I know neither horse nor rider)


I don’t think they meant to drug it to this point. It’s called oops we overdid it!


So it’s always on drugs yet they somehow still haven’t figured out the right dosage by May of the season and have an oopsie! at DEVON of all places. Okay.


I don’t have to know a rider to be incensed that someone posts a clip and names names on the industry’s most highly trafficked forum with absolutely zero evidence. You, whoever you are, have come on here and deemed that This Horse Is Drugged based on your belly feelings. I’m no lawyer but I would be scrambling to remove that post if I were you.


One doesn’t have to have an affiliation to be able to rationally look at this video, and now I went down the rabbit hole and looked up CMH videos and his USEF record- and say- WE DONT KNOW.

And I’m certainly not taking the word of an internet rando who clearly has a bone to pick.

You are missing the point that THIS is prohibitive if making progress in horse welfare. YOU DONT KNOW, horse hasn’t been “caught” or tested positive and yet you are insisting it is.


Question- as I mentioned way up above that one barn was drugging the ponies for lessons at home. Does drugging horses at home happen routinely at the barns where they’ve been had up for drugging at the shows? Is it a norm for them?


Not sure. I’m guessing some maybe some maybe not. I think most of the barns drugging are nearly showing most weeks though so the horses probably don’t ever really have a chance to just be at home much.


Very true. I can’t image how good it is for a horse to be on the road and in a show environment for that long of a stretch month in and month out. They must spend a fortune on omeprazole/gastroguard!


For sure. And the long term damage from all the drugs they are using on their kidneys and liver. Just sad.


Absolutely. And the wear and tear on their bodies and brains. My horse loves loves going to horse shows. However, he also loves his turnout and can usually be found napping flat out- so much so that my coach has had to go and make sure he wasn’t dead! I can’t imagine it’s much of a horse life for them if they are constantly on the road. Anyway I digress.


Yes you have to think these drugs alter their brains too on top of all the show stress.


First, I would like to say that I view IM and IV shots very differently. I think many competent horsepeople can give IM shots of many drugs reasonably safely. (of course not banamine or procaine penicillin) IV shots are much trickier. I have given many IM shots with my vet’s blessing, but leave the IV sots to the vet.

But the horses cannot require IM medication all the time! And if the horse really requires Legend after every class, maybe it is not sound enough to compete. (Tho I think a lot of the use is more “just in case” “looking for any edge”.)

Isnt the current rule forbidding non-vets to have syringes and needles? Guess that is one of the reasons for the ads I see for temporary stabling near big shows.

The biger abuses of performance enhancing drugs and practices seem to occur when extreme quietness or extreme animation are valued.


I would think some of those ads are simply so horses can get off the grounds in their down time, so they can relax. Ya know, that thing the posts above yours are complaining about, how unfair it is to the horses to have to be at the show grounds for so long.


True, and I am sure many use them for that. But I do know of some who use them to get away from scrutiny. And I suspect there are more folks like that out there.


So, in other words, a person can not win.

If they do not rent a spot off the show grounds they are being cruel because Dobbin is having to live on the show grounds.
If they do rent a spot off the show grounds everyone assumes that they are up to something nefarious.