I keep coming back to this, across disciplines. I understand judges are human and in a bit of a pinch sometimes with TPTB, but until The Judges stop rewarding rounds that ask so much of the horses that people reach for drugs and abusive training, I don’t think a lot will change. At least not fast. This change can come from the judges themselves, from the organizations, and from vocal members and Vote With Your Dollar methods by the majority.
Along the same line, if USEF wants people to be reporting abuse, there needs to be confidence that the accusations will be PROPERLY investigated and fairly prosecuted- and that the consequences will match the violation. I don’t think certification for trainers will do much for this, but I DO think that suspensions and bans and fines need to hit where it counts.
I wonder if setting down the horse AND trainer that was found in violation would help. This way the horse wouldn’t just be passed to Trainer B and continue showing. From my understanding, this is not the case at this time - happy to be corrected. I also support setting down the owners in kind.