DICOM viewer for iOS?

In shopping for horses forever it seems like I have received a bazillion DIOCM files of rads to look at. My vet prefers them to jpgs. I cannot open DICOMs on my iphone and a vet recently asked if there was a DICOM viewer that worked on phones. “Sure!” I said breezily. Then proceeded to download, try and delete 4 different ones. Only one of them allowed me to upload a DICOM to view for free but when I tried to upload a zip or bigger files it puked out.

Is it just that the screen size makes viewing DICOMs on mobile a bit pointless (but not totally!) so apps aren’t easily had? Or is it that I need to pay for one - despite there being no indication the paid (and with few ratings) apps will work any better than the free one with positive reviews?

Are you looking for a DICOM viewer for your phone because that’s the only platform you can view from, or because it’s just most convenient?

The reason for DICOM over jpg really also means a mobile device isn’t the best way to view, so it’s not terribly surprising you’re not finding a solid app for that. There are quite a few really solid free DICOM viewers for your computer, though.

Osiris has a free version you can download if you have a Mac, but not sure about on your phone.

DICOMS are the image format for x-rays and alternative radiation imaging (DICOMD, DICOMM, etc). They are industry related so you would need specialized software.

On my Mac I use Osiris X but that requires a hospital association and verification. I also use NIH Image J but that is an intensive image analysis program. It is free from the NIH, if you want to try.

On my phone I use PACS but that is part of the EPIC EMR software.

In my work, all industry partners provide a DICOM viewer with their images. However they don’t allow measurements or being able to change contrast or use a “hot light” to examine density differences in bone.

I do view them on my desktop but I often want to open a DICOM on my phone when no computer is available as that’s all Ive been sent. A vet I recently spoke to also complained of how impossible a good DICOM viewer for iOS mobile is to find.

OsiriX HD app for mobile required a payment and had low reviews (35 reviews, 3/5 stars) so I wasn’t inclined to start throwing cash at it.

I guess maybe a simple, free option doesn’t exist for the reason I mentioned in my OP?

Yeah. Viewing DICOM on your phone kinda negates the benefits of DICOM. I mean, you could probably pull up an iMax video on your phone, too, but you’re going to miss a bunch of what makes that format special.

As an owner vetting horses, I’d be leary of a vet saying yay or nay on radiographs viewed from a phone. Let’s get those suckers up on the 24" monitor for a good look, ykwim?


You just need a viewer. You don’t need anything special or high end. You aren’t planning on diagnostics or image quantification. I assume you are not intending to do retroactive radiology studies so you don’t need slicer/dicer capabilities or other library functions.

Osirix is fine as a viewer. There are also others out there.

Right - but it doesn’t work on iphone

Nobody is saying they only review rads on an iphone :joy: It’s just a quick way to see obvious stuff when you’re away from the computer and whoever sent them only sent DICOMs.

Just trying to explain why you’re not finding a good app for what you want to do :woman_shrugging:

Osirix HD is in the iPhone applications store.

Horos is there too. Both require iOS 14 or better.

Dammit, Jim… “OsiriX HD app for mobile required a payment and had low reviews (35 reviews, 3/5 stars) so I wasn’t inclined to start throwing cash at it.”

Unless you’ve tried it and it’s good? :slight_smile:


Does this work in your mobile browser?


No - won’t let me load files from a URL or my phones files folder.