Did Equipoise Ever Race Discovery?

Weird question of the morning. Sorry.

I had a crazy, tangled dream last night. Lots of crazy, tangled dream stuff that I won’t bother to explain, not that I could, but the dream background was that I was with a bunch of people at the races, and Equipoise and Discovery were both racing in the feature. The feature race and the track were never identified in the dream. There was all this crazy stuff happening, and I was worried that it needed to all get sorted out and settled before post time so I wouldn’t miss the big race. But even during the dream, I was thinking, “This isn’t real. It’s just a dream, and I know that because the facts are wrong. Discovery and Equipoise didn’t race each other. They didn’t quite overlap in careers. So I’m not operating in reality here.” I wasn’t questioning me being around back then, and it was appropriately in black and white. Somehow that was perfectly fine for me to be at a race back then in black and white. Appropriate clothes for the era, too. I was just questioning the horses overlapping in careers.

So this morning, I had to resort to the internet first thing. And sigh, they actually DID overlap by a couple of years in careers. Discovery is down for 1933 to 1936, while Equipoise is listed as 1930 to 1935. But my search engine didn’t come up with a positive or a negative answer on whether they raced each other, just info on each individual horse.

Help solve a dream mystery. I’m curious what black and white track I was at in the 30s last night and which race I was attending, if it actually was a race, which it probably wasn’t. But it’s possible that I read this piece of trivia years ago and my mind just decided to insert it in a dream last night and then question it just to play tricks with myself.

LOL, I thought this would have to do with steriods evolving to beat the testing.

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I don’t have access to race records from the early 1930s, but the Racing Hall of Fame says that Equipoise won the 1932 Whitney Stakes at four and raced until six. Discovery won the first of his 3 Whitney Stakes and Brooklyn Handicaps in 1934 at three. So it is not at all improbable that they might have met in the 1934 Whitney Stakes or Brooklyn Handicap–along with many other races during the period they overlapped and were both running in Handicaps at the top level.

It’s very likely that they did run against each other in either 1934 or 1935 since both were top grade Handicappers. Or they might have just missed each other in the New York Handicaps.

I was looking at viney’s other thread on Equibase and just for kicks looked up Discovery and Equipoise. They do show race records for both horses and if correct, it does not appear that they raced one another. But who knows?

It was probably just dream weirdness. But one of the most frustrating parts of the dream is that I never got to see the race! The assorted snarled-up complications were getting unsnarled, we were getting close to post time – and the alarm clock went off. Grrr! If you dream about being at the races, you should at least get to see the dream race.

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If I can conjure up my dog eared copy of “Champions” I will look. They could have met in NY or MD.

It looks like they never faced each other.

This is as close as I could find that they ever got to racing each other – they each won the Whitney, Equipoise in 1932 at 4yo, Discovery in 1934, 1935, and 1936 at 3, 4, and 5.

So maybe that is why you never got to see the race, or maybe it was the ghost of the 1933 winner, Caesar’s Ghost, playing around with your dream. :wink: