Did you appreciate this post?

I have noticed that numerous posts have this in the bottom right corner of their post. How do I add this to my posts? I have tried searching and going into my profile but can’t seem to figure it out.
Thanks for any help.

You don’t have to do anything, it’s already there. :slight_smile:

I have noticed that numerous posts have this in the bottom right corner of their post. How do I add this to my posts? I have tried searching and going into my profile but can’t seem to figure it out.
Thanks for any help.[/QUOTE]

it is there automatically. the reason you cannot see it is because a user cannot “upvote” their own post[s] – but other users can. :slight_smile: you will, however, be able to see how many people have appreciated/rated your posts.

Thank-you very much for informing me. I never thought of that.

You can also see a list of your “likes” here:

