Playing the devils advocate, to my location; those prices are cheap.
$150/ round trip trailer ride, $100/ trainer fee per day, $40/ schooling the horses. This includes schooling shows. In comparison to where I lived in Kentucky… $50/round trip, $60/trainer fee, $25/horse ride.
I believe it all depends on your location. To me, as you stated, she is not a BNT- so why are her prices so high that reflect a higher caliber training price. Personally, my prices are lower than average for my location, not because I dont believe in myself, but because I am a “new” professional building clientele- making a name, starting from the bottom. Supply and demand- although the horse industry believes its demand, demand, demand.
Doesnt hurt to discuss the “hey- if I help set up, can you help knock the fees of some of these things down”. Good luck!