doc ellen, you know regarding the price per pound theory. I never have known exactly where one would go to exercise that option. I am guessing some grotesque killer plant.
When I was looking at Mac, my OTTB, he was 9 yrs old, not running well(hindsight as it is duh?) 16 hands, paid 1200.00 for him. Figured at some rate per pound at the time I could recapture that expense. He did have a heart murmur and the vet wouldn’t pass him as totally sound, but said some do fine with murmurs.
Of course I had to be kidding myself, and really rationalizing getting back in to horses to my husband with that line of thought. There is noway on this planet I could ultimately take the killer plant route. Spending one week, shoot one minute, with any animal, and they are mine to forever spoil.
I had him for about 6 months when he went through a bad colic. Never really came back after that. We exhausted all methods of diagnosis locally. My vet suggested taking him to Phoenix for an EKG and we did an ultrasound of his heart. It was fascinating watching the technology at work. However we found he had a bad tricuspid valve.
Well when you are an aged gelding, that does not give you a bright future. The vet had me treating him with Lasix for the edema, and Digoxin for his heart condition. I treated him for about 3 - 4 days.
And then a light came on, “What the H— am I doing this for?” Mac has no future. As I would walk down the aisle to his corral I saw this very old man shuffling down the hall of the nursing home. He certainly did not look content. Again their was NO treatment that would reverse his condition. So at least give him the diginty we are allowed to give animals.
I am very thankful to have had a local vet that was so in tune with my decision. I know if given the choice again, of having a horse that is no longer SERVICEABLY sound, I would give them diginty in their death.
It was a very difficult decision, but I believe it is as much our responsibility in caring for them both in their joyful lives as in their diginified death.
I have since gone through one other horse, traded him though, for the most wonderful gelding, that made all the pain and sorrow worth waiting for him. See photo below.
Thank you for bring this topic up. I don’t think people are aware of the options when this time comes.