I use Hay Chix nets and like them, but I’d like to have something that reduces waste but doesn’t limit intake.
I have large, plastic tomato crates (about 3’ square and 20-30” tall). I drop the full nets inside them and clip them onto a zip tie that is run through the holes in the side. I’d like to do away with the hay nets and just drop a bale in the crate and put a type of wooden grate on top of the bale that drops down as the hay is eaten but prevents the horses from tossing it out (I’ve tried just putting the loose hay in the feeders unrestricted, and it all ends up on the ground, as you can well imagine).
In a Google search for some ideas to shape my experiment, I found this link: https://thehomesteadkings.com/2018/05/04/diy-square-bale-slow-feeder/
The chains make me a little nervous. I would have to figure out another way of securing it without the chains. Any ideas?
Anyway, show me your DIY hay feeders that prevent horses from tossing the hay out of the feeder.